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Nov 29, 2004 09:28

WWE//wrestling survey

Created by sellmysoul and taken 42 times on bzoink!
current favorite wrestlersRandy Ortonall-time favorite wrestlerSteve Austincurrent favorite divaschristyall-time favorite divatrishbest finisherchoke slambest weaponsteel chainbest entranceray mestiriobest-looking divachristybest-looking wrestlerHHHfavorite interviewer???????raw or smackdown?rawrandy orton or john cena?ortontriple h or the undertaker?triple Hkane: masked or unmasked?maskedtrish stratus or victoria?trishnumber of events you've been to4favorite PPVsummer slamleast favorite wrestlersgene snitskyleast favorite divasmolly hollywrestlers you've metsteve austin, undertaker, matt hardy, shannon moore, and doink the clownnicestdoink the clownmeanest???????wrestlers you still want to meetjohn cenafavorite mcmahonvincetheodore long or bischoff?LONGfor or against roster split?forbest heelkurt anglebest faceshawn michealsheels or faces?heelsbest theme songtriple Hstone cold or shawn michaels?bothelimination chamber or hell in a cell?chamberfavorite match(es)ladder matchesedge or christian?edge(old school question) WCW or ECW?ECWWWF in the late 1990's to 2000 or WWE currently?currentlytag teams: old or still great?still greatric flair or hulk hogan?flairmick foley or the rock?rockhouse shows or tv tapings?house showsiron man match or first blood?first bloodchris jericho or chris benoit?Benoitbest WWE on-screen couplematt hardy and litaE&C or Hardy Boyz?hardy boyzbret hart: are you a fan or not?FAN
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