Feb 16, 2004 18:20
So.. I was working at Shitty Quiznos today, and three Big ass Chevy Vans With Trailors pull into our lot. As it turned out, those were tour vans for Senses Fail, Moneen, and Boys Night OUT. They were hungry and stopped for lunch. I gave them all MAssive Deals; free Drinks for everyone, and No one paid more than 5.00 To eat a big lunch. See, my manager had just left to make a delivery and wasn't around to watch down my back as i Gave the entire store away.
It is Funny, I haven't ever heard of any of those bands but Moneen. Yeah they were ok but I probably wouldn't Take work off to go see them or anything. I just hate Quiznos and want to help musicians save some cash. I also hate Brigham City Utah, so when old people asked me why there were so many vans of dirty emo Boys in the parking lot, I told them that It was Justin Timberlake and N*ysnc. Figured after all that controversy they would know who he is.
Oh well, Everyone was nice,