I Tried The Kings Nutz!

Oct 24, 2005 06:40

The weekend went well, after tackling Frenzy Friday. On Friday, the powers that be kept my plans on the back burner. I chipped a tooth on a piece of cornbread. Don't ask? I still don't know how that happened? Finally made it to Houston by 8PM Friday evening. Poor Chris had been expecting me since 12 noon. Oops!
  • Ate lunch with jtex_21 on Saturday
  • Trained for two hours at KSTAR Country
  • Went to Rip Cord with a Jeffrey & James

On Sunday, I went back to the Renaissance Festival with Chris, Jeffrey and James. This has been our second time go since opening weekend. Chris and me wore our leather bondage costumes and got more attention than the Renaissance workers themselves. Hehehe... Also, I tried the Kings NUTZ.....again!

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