here we go again!

Sep 10, 2009 12:55

so I find myself packing to go camping - yes, hot on the heels of our epic theme camp party! it's nutty! %-)

this one is a campout for women, at my favorite place up in mendocino (the one with the hot tubs and the gorgeous lawn) and it should be a smallish group. I'm coordinating music (yay!) and also bringing my tarot decks in hopes of getting the opportunity to do some readings. I've recently been focusing on reading for other people more, especially since the tarot roundtable at the last campout showed me that I really do know more about it than I'd been giving myself credit for.

I know I'm REALLY going to miss the Bunny. he'll be home with the kittehs looking after him, so I won't worry... just miss him. ;-) there's always something a little strange about striking out on my own... although I am driving up with a friend, and will know people there, so it's hardly *really* on my own... but still, it's unusual, a little exciting, and a little nervous-making, especially for a shy girl like me. Jovino always takes such good care of me! will I remember everything? etc. I know, it's good for me.

so, I have a ton of stuff to do and only one day to do it in... I'm nervous (so many new people! eek, social anxiety!) but also excited (camping! music! tarot!)

guess I should get onnit! see you on Monday... :-)

camping, musics, bizzy, cns, party, tarot, living well is the best revenge

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