Feb 01, 2008 20:03

ZOMG how I love to cook!

I just pulled a chicken (organic, free range - yo!) out of the oven. It's my second one prepared in the French Chicken in a Pot style - a recipe I found in the last Cook's Illustrated (mah Food Pronz, let me show you themz.) The chicken is still resting (you have to let it sit for like 20 minutes after it comes out) but the jus smelled AMAZING and I had a nibble of the cooking veggies which were heartbreakingly delicious!


I never used to be into cooking. Growing up in the midwest I always felt it was too much of a stereotypical thing (that the girls should cook, while the mens watched tv) so I wasn't interested in buying into that. Since moving out here to Cali, where anyone really CAN be anything they want (and where there are some really amazing restaurants) I have had a change of heart. It doesn't hurt that I am no longer living high on the .com hog, so if I want awesome dinners I pretty much have to cook thems myself. So I've discovered Cook's Illustrated and teh CIA - and I am now officially a Jr Foodie.  (Especially after that Grilled Cheese Thingy...)

I'm looking to expand my repertoire of recipes that I can just make without having to think about it too much (especially vegetarian, as Jovino does not share my taste for meat - what can I say, he's a bunny and I'm a kitteh!)  Any ideas, suggestions or links most welcome!  What's *your* favorite cookbook?

The best part: I can FEAST on a budget! Aww yeah.  Er, that is: NOM NOM NOM!!!

Edit: Oh sweet Jebus, this thing is RIDICULOUSLY GOOD!  It's DONKERZ!!!
The tweaking of the spice ratios I did came out really well.  It still needs just a *touch* more salt - but better to err on the side of needing more than too salty.  The garlic, celery, onion etc - PERFECT!  (Uh, if I do say so myself... LOL)

k, gotta go eat - NAO!!
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