Since I saw this on
sinastrasnape's journal, and thought it was cool, I wanna do it.
Below is the HIH sorting application. What I want you to do is sort me. You can use this app and also what you know about me to do so. So what are you waiting for? Sort away!
What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I always thought it would be pretty cool to be a rockstar. Since I was young, I was always huge into music, and bands and playing air guitar up until I got to my teens and started learning to play to all the punk music. I wouldn't say I'm absolutely the best guitar player in the world, but I've always been pretty good at coming up with relatively decent rhythm parts, anyway (I'm not lead material). Barring that... I think something in the public eye, diplomat, or something like that, that'd be pretty cool for me, too.
If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Transfiguration, hands down. I love reading all about that class, and it's definitely interested me the most. Especially the Animagus spell, to be honest. Just the idea of turning one thing into another is very cool, and that could be PRETTY damn useful. Hello Slughorn and his elaborate hoax in HBP.
This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
HA! Okay, honestly? I wouldn't do it. I don't have a death wish, and I've never exactly been the most healthy of people. I know, most people go on about testing your skills and limits and blah blah blah - please. I've had health problems for as long as I can remember - asthma, ear infections, and most of the childhood sicknesses, I've caught. My immune system is absolute shite. So if I'm going to push my limits and exhaust myself and make myself sick, I'd rather it be in an arena that I KNOW I can do well in. Of course... just because I wouldn't PUT my name into the Goblet doesn't mean I won't let people THINK I did. ;D
If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Cat. Hands down. I know it's cliche, but I've got the playfulness down pat, I can be extremely affectionate, but it's always on MY terms. Also, despite the fact that I can be a sucker for attention, I'm really very solitary unless I know you really well. In fact, my need for attention, and my playfulness, tends to be my default attitude (I like to keep people happy... more on that later) mostly to keep people from seeing the darker side of me - the part that hurts and hates, and wants to hurt those who hurt me. The part that wants to (and often does) get revenge on people who've wronged me in the past - and if I do say so myself, I'm damn good at covering my tracks - the hunter side that most cats have.
What HP character do you identify with most and why?
In a way, I relate somewhat to Severus Snape, mostly because my chilidhood wasn't exactly the most happy either. In a way, I can relate to Sirius Black because he and I were both disowned, essentially, from our families for our beliefs or lifestyles, and also because he was this practical joker, likeable type. Of course, he was more popular than I ever was, I was more the punk/freak kid in school, but I still get his rebellion. And in a way, I can relate to Luna, because she's this eccentric girl who is herself no matter whether she gets picked on for it or not, and I'm the guy who doesn't care what you say about him - although if you make fun of me, I'll make fun of you right back (Snape/Sirius). I'm not afraid to stand up for myself if I have to.
What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
Easy. Myself and my boyfriend (life partner, boyfriend sounds so juvenile) pretty much as we are now, successful in our respective fields, accepted by friends and (most of) our families... I think about the only thing I wish for is I want my oldest sister and her family to still be alive, because I don't think I've ever quite gotten over their deaths. I miss them, every day.
If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I would probably get my own record label going. I love music, and if I could handpick good artists and promote them and catapult them into the industry, then hell fucking YES, I'll do it. The world needs some good new artists, because it's my opinion that there aren't enough musicians giving kids a good example to follow. Down with the pop princesses who make impressionable idiots think that it's okay to be a coked up, pantiless trainwreck, down with the beliggerent assholes who only get into the business to sleep with as many girls as possible. I want to make a positive impact.
What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Lol... I wanted to be Batman. Actually, no, I wanted to be Robin, but either way, I wanted to be a superhero or the sidekick - the brains behind the operation, not necessarily the one TAKING all the hits. My aspirations changed as I grew older, but to something almost as intangible - rockstar. Or at LEAST something with music. As of right now, I DJ at and am in charge of entertainment at a very popular club where I live (no, I'm not going to disclose where), and I'm working on opening up a recording studio for my own indepentant record label.
If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
A permanent cure for allergies to animal dander. I can't get a cat because my partner is allergic to them, and I love dogs as much as he does... but I would still LOVE to get a kitten. I'd probably call it 'rimozione animale di allergia', Italian for Animal Allergy Removal. Not very original, but it sounds prettier. ;D
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
It would probably be me as a drugged up junkie who has lost the respect of friends, family and peers, who has lost everything career wise and has nothing left to be proud of, in rehab or just wanting to die - basically, everything my... father has always told me I would become, and everything I hate about the entertainment industry. When I throw Riddikulus, it would turn into me as the Joker. Yes, I love Batman, and I think the idea of me being the Joker is hilarious and kind of fitting.
What do you look for in a friend?
First of all, someone who can put up with my playfulness, my sense of humour, and my tendancy to get my friends and I into risky situations. Someone who can trust me not to completely fuck them over (I don't put people into risky situations if I don't think we can avoid getting caught/adequately talking our punishment down to the bare minimum). Someone who is willing to try anything once, and tell me when they don't want to continue with something. Someone who is not afraid to be themselves around me.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
The inability to look past one facet of a person's personality (generally things like religion or sexual orientation, sometimes even appearance) without making snap judgements based on stereotypes, AND refusal to respect other values or ways of life that don't coincide with theirs. People like that drive me INSANE, and part of it has to do with being bi-sexual and ending up with a partner of the same sex... The part that bothers me most about it, though, isn't the fact that people might hate ME for being 'gay' - I don't give a shit, but as long as it doesn't negatively affect mine or my partner's jobs and job prospects, then I'm fine.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. Diplomatic - I've always been really good at diffusing fights between my friends, or deflecting a potentially bad situation into something more positive, and keeping my true thoughts or feelings to myself to keep people happy. This is VERY good in my job, especially dealing with drunk people, and I suppose if I didn't look like a punk rock guy, I would probably have done really well in politics if I had wanted to do it. More in my next one.
2. Likability - it may sound arrogant to say, but while I can sometimes have the nastiest thoughts about someone, even if I hate them, I project an air of friendliness and openness to people on first meeting. Unless you really piss me off, I am courteous and personable, I have good people skills, and I have many acquaintances because of it.
3. Intelligence - okay, I'm not exactly the most book smaart person, and my grammar could be better, but I AM smart. I have the ability to look at a situation and come up with new ideas, devise plans and organize... questionable activities, I'll say, without getting caught.
4. Adaptability - I've always been pretty good at reacting quickly to most situations, and I generally don't lose my head too easily. For instance, my DJing job is very unpredictable. You never know ahead of time what people are going to do, or what they're going to want to listen to. I'm good at adjusting my persona and reactions to fit any given crowd.
5. Very perceptive - this sort of goes hand in hand with the diplomacy thing, and adaptability, but I'm usually pretty good at reading people's moods, and anticipating how they're going to react to any given stimulus.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Poor health - like i said before, I have a SHITE immune system, among other things. I'm actually forced vegetarian because my system can't handle heavy meats, or dairy products - so actually, I'm more on the vegan side, which sucks for me, because I like my bacon. My bad health makes my job extra difficult sometimes, because it's usually a high energy atmosphere, but I don't let it get in the way of my performance at work - I always put 110% into everything to make up for possible obstacles.
2. Distrustful/difficult to get close to - because I'm good at acting and projecting a cheerful mood at all times, people often get the impression that I'm this carefree, happy go lucky guy, and I tend to keep people at a distance, never telling them about my personal life or childhood. As a result, I have a VERY select few people I've ever been truly close to in my life
3. Very opinionated - the reason I list this as a bad quality is that sometimes my impassioned opinions will get the best of me and I've actually been known to unintentionally piss people off because I won't let go of something. It's not that I get obnoxious about it, it's just that if I feel I haven't made my point, I HAVE to get it across, or it'll bother the hell out of me.
4. Prone to depression and self-destructive habits - I know everyone gets this, but when I get it, I GET it bad. I don't self harm really, but I'm very hedonistic - I like sex, I like my pot (which I first started to self medicate for pain and depression and have now become a casual user), and I like to drink. An example of what I mean - my father disowned me when he found out I was sleeping with another guy, and I went into a very destructive moody phase for a few months, drinking a lot, cutting class, vandalism, getting high a lot. I actually came close to failing my senior year at school because of it.
5. Self-consciousness - I have this really bad habit of taking comments about my appearance or my work very seriously. If someone says I'm too fat (I'm not fat, but I don't look like those skinny scene boys), it gets to me, because I already am self conscious about the fact I'm not some model looking guy. If someone says they could do better at my job than I could, it pisses me off, and makes me second guess myself, even though I really KNOW that they're talking out of their asses.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to realize you've made mistakes and still own up to it despite being terrified you're going to lose everything.
Loyalty: Having faith in someone to do the right thing no matter how bad they fuck things up, and giving them too many chances because you love or care for them, and wanting the best for someone no matter what it means.
Intelligence: The ability to take book smarts and apply it to everyday life. Alternately, the ability to relate to people and make yourself understood by anyone from scholarly types to the layman. Being able to come up with new ideas and actually making them work.
Ambition: The drive to go for what you want, no matter how difficult it seems to be to attain it. Never giving up, and the determination to excel despite people saying you can't do it.