Aaaaaaand this is why I am not a politician.

Sep 30, 2010 23:19

Because while I have my moments of being logical and making sense, when people refuse to take into consideration anything I've said, and come back with replies that read as condescending and dismissive, OR WORSE... ignore my comments to continue a discussion that has no actual bearing on the actual topic, and is frankly the wrong place to be discussing it in the first place... I start to see red. And it's a lot harder for me to keep my cool and discuss things logically and not resort to cussing or personal attacks.

I KNOW this about myself. I try my damnedest to control my temper. But my patience can be extremely short, especially if I've already stayed up late the night before to frigging try and help out despite having to work early the next morning. I had less than four hours sleep last night because I felt the need to make a comment that was expressing my own misconceptions, my opinion, and a proposed compromise to make as many people happy as possible. And while a lot of people seemed to agree with me, it seems the person I was trying to get through to decided I wasn't worth her time for whatever reason, and refused to acknowledge my effort at... oh, I dunno... ACTUAL DIPLOMACY?

.... When this happens, my first reaction is to lash out. It's a really fucking good thing I was at work and busy all day, then, because otherwise the work I put into KEEPING my temper would have been completely undone, and I would have said something I would regret later. But since people couldn't come to a resolution, or at least agree to disagree and MOVE ON, they pushed the prefects to react the way they did, and now some of you are even complaining about THAT?

Wow. Just... Grow up. It is OUR COLLECTIVE FAULT that commenting is disabled. Because we (and I am including myself in this, since I was a brief part of the discussion) have proven that we can't put our differences aside and see the community for what it is, and accept that other people have different viewpoints. You guys want your voices heard? Express yourself in a more mature manner and can the sarcasm for once. I did. And you ALL know how bad I can be with the sarcasm and bitchiness.

Our prefects are doing the best they can FOR us, but they are only two of them. I don't like that commenting was disabled, but I will at least recognize that, the way things were going, NOTHING was going to get resolved. Can we please just move on and stop being assholes to each other? This is getting out of hand. Especially if I'M fucking commenting on it.

One more thing. You are not a special snowflake. *I* am not a special snowflake. This community should not have to bend to the desires and whims of one person. I'm sick of the drama over stupid, pointless things that are SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. THIS is the reason why I rarely participate anymore. Because the fun is being sucked out of HiH with all of this bullshit.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I fully expect that some people may defriend me. I also suspect I MAY get insulted for this, though I honestly don't know on that one. *shrugs* Go ahead. I don't care. But just know that if EVERYONE were ACTUALLY willing to compromise and move on, this wouldn't need to be an issue. There are more important things to get upset over than something like a mascot that is only going to be visible online.

discussion, just saying, srs biznez guise, politics suck, my thoughts, random, vague beth is vague, wtf???, too long didn't read!, karma, brb crying, hogwartsishome

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