(no subject)

Jul 25, 2008 15:26

Few things.

First, I got a new dragon egg, and I hope to actually keep this one this time.

Secondly, after what happened, Davey and I have sort of been healing and dealing with shit, sooo, that's why I haven't exactly updated much. Also the fact I was more concerned with just doing random stupid shit online instead of updating much, cause I forgot. Heh.

We started therapy, for a few reasons, not just the attack. Apparently I have anger management issues, which doesn't REALLY surprise me that much, but it bugs the fuck out of me that I never saw it that way until Davey threatened to dump me over it. D= That was before the attack, mind, but still. That would suck so bad right now. I've barely been handling it well as it is, I think I'd fall apart if we broke up now.

But yeah, so we have therapy every Monday night now. We'll probably end up going on either Wednesdya nights as well, or Thursday, Friday or Saturday during the day, but for now, and for the next couple weeks, we're going to try one night. If we need it, we'll increase it (and this guy's, like, weirdly intuitive, so it's super uncomfortable).

So then there's the lawsuit I wanted to file against Davey's publisher for dropping him from his own comic - Davey took the out of court settlement they offered, which was a pretty decent chunk of money for a comic series, and I can understand why he wouldn't want to push it after what happened... but it still really bothers me. I really wanted it to go to court, even if we LOST, because at least it would get out what this company does to their artists. It was partly the principle of the thing for me, but since it wasn't my decision to make, I haven't tried to push Davey about it. It just upsets me that he's so depressed about it. Because I don't have a clue how to get his mind off it.

Going to see The Dark Knight on Friday helped cheer him up for a little bit because we've3 BOTH been waiting for this movie, but even my enthusiasm for it over the last week hasn't really helped cheer him up at all.

HOLY SHIT, SPEAKING OF. Anyone on my flist who has not yet seen The Dark Knight - go! As soon as you can! All my raving about Iron Man ain't got NOTHING on my rabid fanboying over this movie. Everything was amazing!













Things I LIKED:

1) Harvey "Two-Face" Dent was in the movie. LOVED the way it was done. Aaron Eckhart was VERY believable.

2) Rachel Dawes NOT being played by Katie Holmes really threw me off, but (totally MY opinion, you don't have to agree) I think Maggie Gyllenhaal did a better job.

3) SCARECROW WAS IN THE MOVIE! Second scene. VERY cool! He wsa my favourite character in Batman Begins.

4) Joker had the BEST FUCKING ENTRANCE ever. I mean, before this, my favourite entrances of any movie character ever were Captain Jack Sparrow. I mean, his entrance in the first PotC movie was EPIC. His entrance in the second movie was brilliant. I thought nothing could top the second one. BOY, was I wrong. Not only was Joker's entrance in this movie epic, but brilliant, and creepy.

5)You know how some actors are so fantastic in their roles that you literally forget it's so-and-so actor? Yeah. I didn't remember until halfway through the movie that the Joker was Heath Ledger. I've done that for maybe two to four of his other movies that I've seen, and I've seen a total of eight of his movies. At least three to five is pretty good a track record, hehe. So yeah. I think you will LOVE his performance. Oh, and watch for his disappearing pencil trick.


7) THE TRUCK CHASE SCENE. PURE AMAZINGNESS. Except - DAMN, that was one long ass tunnel. O.o

Aaaaand the things I DIDN'T like.

1) Not enough Joker.

2) I don't know if it's COMPLETELY realistic for Two Face to be able to talk with his face half burnt off, at least not so soon. Not to mention it looked a little fake.

3) Not long enough.

4) Not enough Scarecrow.

5) Not REALLY directly related, but I didn't see all of the previews, so I don't know if the HBP preview was premiered or not. Apparently, it was, but only in Imax.













Okay, enough spoiler space, I THINK.

Anyway, Gozer has been such a sweet dog, he's been a big help in keeping both Davey and I sane, I think. I love my affectionate puppeh. I need to go walk him in a bit. Maybe we'll go visit Davey at the gym, if he's even there. He might be at Starbucks. We'll see, anyway.

Ummm. Had a DJ gig for a family reunion on Saturday from 7-1, and I found out around 9:30 that it was for Damien's MOM'S family, so that was interesting when he showed up. He invited me back to his aunt's afterwards, and Davey too if he wanted to go. So I went, drank a bit, watched Damien get stoned out of his mind, and talked about random stuff. I also asked him at some point if he wanted to be on my label, and he texted me yesterday to say 'Hell yeah!' He emailed me like three sets of lyrics he's written, they're pretty decent. I told him to come over tomorrow during the day, to see if he's got any ideas for music. I don't know if he's any good with writing music, or if he just does lyrics. We'll see.

UMM. I can't think of anything else right now.

love, philosophical, music, noooooo, life, movies

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