Please sign this

Feb 02, 2007 08:56


Reposted from Dino's original post and then lifted from jess on myspace


The Government have recently passed laws in the UK to try and suppress live music and dance. Pubs which could previously offer work to solo singers or duos now have to pay for a special licence and can only have 12 of these per year. Even school Xmas concerts need to be licensed.

If you don't know there is a UK government web site where anyone can now start a petition and that's what is being done. we've just received the following email which explains things more clearly and gives the site address . If you care about keeping music live please take the time to sign the petition.

Subject: Music/Licensing Laws - Official Downing Street petition

Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 12:36:37

Please circulate

The live music/licensing e-petition now has nearly 4550 signatures.
It currently stands at no.17 in the list of 1,702 petitions on the
Number 10 website:

This is good, especially in just under a month - and there are five
more months in which people can sign. (CLOSING DATE: 11 June 2007).
But the petition needs to do much better to make an impression on ministers, and to encourage DCMS to implement music-friendly amendments.

The petition is for everyone, not just musicians. Please consider
signing if you haven't already done so. If you have signed, encourage friends to sign.

Points to remember about the new legislation:

a.. The unlicensed provision of even one musician is a potential
criminal offence (although some places are exempt, including places of public religious worship, royal palaces and moving vehicles). Max penalty: £20,000 fine and six months in prison.

b.. The rationale is to prevent noise, crime and disorder, to ensure public safety, and the protection of children from harm.

c.. But broadcast entertainment, including sport and music, is exempt - no matter where, and no matter how powerfully amplified.

d.. In the transition to the new regime, bars with jukeboxes, CD
players etc were automatically granted a license to play recorded
music; but their automatic entitlement to one or two musicians was abolished.

e.. For the first time, private performances raising money for charity are licensable.

f.. School performances open to friends and family are licensable -
they count as public performances.

g.. Under the old regime all premises licensed to sell alcohol for
consumption on the premises were automatically allowed up to two live musicians (the 'two in a bar rule').

h.. In December, DCMS published research confirming that about 40% of these have lost any automatic entitlement to live music as a result of the new Act:

'Very few establishments that wanted a new license were denied it, and many who were previously limited to 2-in-a-bar now have the ability to stage music with 2 or more musicians... This contrasts, of course, with the fact that 40% of establishments now have no automatic means of putting on live music (i.e. they would have to give a TEN).'

['Licensing Act 2003: The experience of smaller establishments in
applying for live music authorization'; December 2006', paragraphs
6.1.1 and 6.1.2 'Conclusions', p54; Caroline Callahan, Andy Martin,
Anna Pierce, Ipsos-MORI]

'TEN' stands for Temporary Event Notice - in effect a temporary
entertainment licence. Only 12 are allowed per premises per year.
They cost £21 each. See the full MORI reports on this site:
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