Started my new job today. Despite my joy in having gotten out of the English circuit a few years ago, here I am back in it again. Like dealing crack, teaching English is just so easy and profitable compared to other jobs I could do for the same amount of time.
This round is me using software to teach lessons from home. I sign into a virtual classroom, students follow, and I use slides and movies provided by my employer. A pretty sweet setup, really.
Still, it's hard to get back into the groove after having been out of it so long. I did pretty well at my last job, but most of my memories of it come from the end, when I knew the source material and the students by name, and had worked out a plan for myself. I didn't expect not being able to see the students (though they can see me through a webcam feed) to be such a hinderance to lesson flow. My lesson tonight didn't go as I had wished. It didn't help that I found out after it was over with that I had been observed by several other teachers.
Just new job jitters. I'll be an old hand at this again within the month. No matter what, it's nice to feel I'm contributing to the household again.
I did have to play with the kits long enough to wear them out before the lesson though.