A "New" Stupid Religion Pretending to Be the Way to Truth: Secular Scientificism

Aug 06, 2009 22:28

Dr. David Eagleman on Coast to Coast AM just now presented his new Gnostic-like religion called Possibillians which he says he invented because neither atheists or any religion can be right because no one has all the facts about where we came from and there are over 2000 religions all claiming to have the truth. Right from the start he showed his ignorance by saying that as it is a nonsense argument to claim that "because two people claim to have the truth but their version of truth don't match, therefore neither can be right." Then he said that it made no sense to fight and die over stories written thousands of years ago when, he implied, people were ignorant (didn't know about quantum physics like we do now was one of his examples). What an insulting man: So all religious people do is spend their time fighting and dying? What an offensive ignorant. Learn the history of Christianity please rather than regurgitating insults and childish hateful attacks in your head. Further, who said it was wrong to fight and die for the truth? God didn't, he taught just the opposite. And who said Christians are brawling and murdering others to get them to believe them as you imply whether purposely or by accident? What a careless babbler.

On top of that, he nonsensically believes that by not believing anyone that he's not claiming to have the truth, but merely considering other possibilities. WRONG, because he repeatedly said or clearly implied that the religious and atheists were WRONG and that his way only would lead to the truth (so much for his "possibilities" cult).

He's claiming that his way leads to truth and peace when he claimed that mankind was very advanced in wisdom because we'd discovered the cure for Polio (obviously he doesn't listen to Coast to Coast AM or anyone else much and dotes on his feelings all day: Mankind made Polio an epidemic with the Polio vaccine, it wasn't cured by it) and other things he said we accomplished (not including the religious he implies).

After that he repeatedly implied God was "a man with a gray beard on a cloud". Where does it say that Dr. David Lie-Spreading Eagleman? No where you stupid myth-spreader.

A few minutes after that he said something almost exactly like, "The Sumerians invented glue a thousand years before the stories of God creating man by a puff of his breath were even written."

Clearly he should be called Dr. Ignorant, who argues in ignorance.

1) What the Hell does inventing glue before the stories of the Bible were written have to do with ALL of mankind being superior to the writers of the Bible?

2) The first part of the Bible was written BEFORE the Sumerians invented glue, so his point is false at it's base.

3) This Dr. of Ignorance is so unwise and morally blind he can't distinguish the difference between technological and various kinds of scientifically gained knowledge to moral wisdom and knowledge and understanding of God:

a) Just because someone knew how to mine for something or make a shovel or make glue before ANY STORY was written doesn't necessarily make them wiser IN ANY WAY than whoever wrote the story.

b) What does being able to make glue have to do with whether or not God created mankind with "a puff of his breath" as this Arrogant Ignorant calls it? DAVID THE MASSIVELY CONFUSED IGNORANT BABBLER: THE BIBLE IS NOT A TECHNOLOGICAL TEXT BOOK: IT'S A BOOK ABOUT WHERE ALL LIFE AND THE UNIVERSE CAME FROM, WHY WE WERE MADE, WHO THE ONE WHO CREATED IT ALL IS, WHO WE ARE, AND WHAT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL IS. It was a pretty big clear hint at the beginning of the Bible when God told Adam and Eve they'd both die if they disobeyed him and when snakes lost the ability to fly for the most part due to their father/mother allowing Satan to possess it. Further, it does not say, "The Earth is flat and it rests on the back of a turtle and there's no such thing as science and no such thing as electricity." It's not an anti-scientific book, bother to read it and bother to learn Christian history, I made it very convenient for confused hyperactive babblers like yourself who hate to study to learn the truth and would rather stay dumb and hanker on questions all day: http://snipurl.com/bookshoppe

c) The Bible doesn't say God created mankind with a "puff of his breath". What a moron this man is: He creates (a supposedly) new religion and because he can't stand that anyone claims the truth, and yet doesn't examine what the claims are of the largest most influential religion in the world next to self-worship.

d) His glue argument isn't based on evidence, yet David Eagleman claims his alternative religion was created to be based on evidence: Who said that the those that wrote the stories of the Bible didn't know how to make glue or anything greater than glue? Arrogant assumer much David?

e) His argument illogically excludes the writers of the Bible as not being apart of mankind, but rather being lower than humans. Why is that David the Bigot Eagleman? Why don't the writers and believers of the Bible who were along side the Sumerians and other cultures count as being contributors? GOD WAS THE CREATOR OF THE FIRST HUMANS AND THE UNIVERSE, YET YOU BABBLE ABOUT INVENTORS OF GLUE BEING WISER THAN HIM? WHERE IN THE HELL DOES THE BIBLE CLAIM TO SIMPLY BE THE WRITINGS OF MERE MEN? NO, IT SAYS IT WAS WRITTEN BY GOD, AND NOT BASED ON ZERO EVIDENCE AS YOU CLAIM IN YOUR GROSS IGNORANCE, BUT BASED ON MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF EVIDENCE. Just because you can't see God or didn't see him working through men and women to write and speak what he said doesn't mean it didn't happen anymore than just because you didn't see anyone else do anything in real time or existing means that they didn't exist or do anything.

f) The oldest story in the Bible is about 6000 years old, Adam's record, and it wasn't completed till about 4000 years past, being written over time, yet David in his gross ignorance stupidly implies the Bible was a book written all at once in a cave by people who knew nothing. What the Hell? The Bible isn't just a thick book that repeatedly says, "God is a man with a gray beard on a cloud who created man with a puff of his breath" you hyper idiot babbler. Bother to read it before bashing it and starting your own cult.

g) Two of his arguments against the Bible/Christianity contradict: On Coast to Coast AM David first started out saying that because we know more now the Bible is obsolete, then he argued that because the Sumerians knew how to make glue before the Bible was written (in other words knew more about technology than the writers of the Bible) that the Bible was useless. In other words, "The Bible is worthless because people knew how to make glue before it was written and then we found out about quantum physics and knew how to make even more things after it was written." Which is it David, and why would either argument make the Bible useless? David, ever heard of this expression?: "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." ? Think about this expression: "Damn God if he does, damn God if he doesn't." That's what you do and to his children.

h) Who in the Hell thinks, besides you, that knowing how to make glue, even if it's nearly worthless glue, is of far greater importance than a factual story on how man was created, even if the only factual information was a crude description indicating that God used his Spirit to do so? Clearly super blind self-feelings-obsessed super ignorants like yourself.

i) David contradicted himself in yet another way, and showed his bigotry: Why is knowing how to make glue superior to moral laws showing mankind how to have peace? Why does David teach that these commands of God are ignorance and only lead to fighting and death?:

Don't believe in false gods or worship them, don't make try to make yourself look good by lying about God's character, don't lie, steal, murder, commit adultery, fornicate, or covet, and honor your parents. Love each other, treat each other the way you would want to be treated so forgive your neighbor when he does wrong, teach and plainly correct each other with the truth, and love the true God with all your heart, which you can do by obeying all those laws.

Wow so evil those commands are David, those thousands of years old commands that the Sumerians didn't come up with in a row all at once ever in all their time making glue, right Doctor David I-Know-That-Only-May-Way-Is-Right-Because-I-Learned-A-Lot-About-Human-Brains Eagleman? Wrong.

4a) David also said, "If you're going to have spiritually, you might as well predicate it on what we already know to be true," and claimed that we know what is true from false by science and attributed this "way to truth" to "Russel and White". Um, insult machine, who said the writers of the Bible and those who believe it don't base what they believe on what they already know to be true?

b) Do you have any evidence that you are wiser than the God who wrote the Bible that your "truth" is superior to his? See David, you're new religion hasn't bypassed the arguments, you, in your ignorance and confusion and careless rush to judgment to show off your heart, your opinions, didn't realize you hadn't come up with ANY EVIDENCE AGAINST THE BIBLE, NONE. You merely mocked it. Obey this command of God to break free of your false truths:

c) David, in your hyper-active jumping over the facts, you're not making any progress: how are you showing everyone that you have the truth merely by saying, "science shows what is true s believe science!" How, if atheists and agnostics have repeatedly said that to Christians, is your doing so going to get them to believe "science"? Now can you see what an arrogant narcissist you are?

d) Who the Hell said your "science" is true? Who the Hell said, but ignorants like yourself, that quantum physics perfectly correctly explains how the universe works? Who the Hell said Christians don't use science to back up there beliefs? David, what is your evidence that what you believe and your cult believes about science is correct? The argument between Creationists Christians and Darwinists IS OVER C.C.'s CLAIMS THAT DARWINISTS TWIST SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE AND LIE ABOUT IT, so you merely saying in your childishness, "Well just believe science you dumb violent religious people who believe in gray bearded God on a cloud" is not helpful at all, shows you are practically ignorant as to what the details of the debate are, and they aren't meaningless details, and provokes violence as it is insulting. You're someone who walks into an argument doesn't pay attention and says, "Oh I know more than you both I'm smarter and wiser than you because I'm a scientist and I trust in science only unlike you." You deserve repeated kicks in the face for that David and to be thrown into a deep dark pit. Learn the facts, the details first, and stop being tossed around by your emotions concerning what the facts are, then you won't be a meddler.

e) Who said basing your religion on science leads to the truth? That doesn't even make sense because THERE ISN'T JUST ONE SCIENCE. What you have in mind Is the at first Christian scientific method later modified a little by anti-Christians to make it appear to be something of their own creation.

f) Who said the secular scientific method is the only way to know the truth about RELIGIOUS TRUTHS?

g) You contradicted yourself again David in that you already wrote off ALL RELIGIONS even atheism, yet you claim that believing findings obtained using the scientific method WILL LEAD TO KNOWING THE TRUTH ABOUT ALL RELIGIONS AND ATHEISM / REALITY. How can you be a "Possibillian" or open to the possibility that some religion or atheists are right if you've already written off both claiming that they both only lead to fighting and deaths?

h) If the secular scientific method were the only way to know the truth, then how did it ever come into being? Duh? God invented science, and taught it in the Bible, so it was from God, through Christians that it was introduced (read the story of Gideon carefully and see if you can find a scientific method taught in it). Science didn't lead to science, it was God's teachings that lead to it, it was his Word, the Bible, that lead to it and the instincts he programmed us with. Stop assuming things, stop presuming the Bible was written merely by men or women. Stop assuming that just because someone is ancient that it has no value or only entertainment value.

Oh wow, it's about 11:50 P.M. and David just repeated the myth that "left over Puritanical" views prevent psychoactive drug research, maybe he does listen to Coast to Coast now and then since that is what the ranting archeologist Graham Hancock said a few months ago on Coast to Coast. Disgusting Christian-bashers.

David hasn't come up with anything new, but rather named a philosophy repeatedly expressed by question-hankerers the Bible calls them. Many question-hankerers take joy in the wondering, the exploring, and thinking that that is the only way they can continue to have fun, they artificially extend their exploring by denying the truth, and so fulfill this saying in the Bible:

"Always learning but never coming to the truth."

They hate coming to the end of a movie or the end of a show series figuratively speaking, and in order to keep the fun going they want endless variations on the same theme or hoping for some totally new subject no one's ever thought of (though there clearly are no more) before to drama over.

What David's religion is is Scientific Secularism without the Darwinism, Non-Darwinist, Secular Scientific Agnostism, basically: Truth-Avoidance by claiming to be truth-following by only believing what can be known through non-creationist and non-Darwinist secular science.

dr. david eagleman, possibilians, refuted

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