No Your Eyes Do Not Deceive You...MEME TIME

Jul 07, 2011 15:43

I've been busy babies...




Just the general stress that comes with the last six week of my MBA program. Toss in a hard drive straight from the pits of hell. I haven't felt much like playing on LJ. I've been working on a lot of my original fic. Some of its good...some of its craptastic...but I'm writing. I'm promise to get back to the land of fandom and wonder soon. I want to write about characters I don't have to develop and give a voice, background, or feelings for a little while.

Anywho...what better way to test the water...than with a meme...

Actually today you get two for the price of one...

1.  kiwi_ficland - give me a pairing, location, situation and you'll get a drabble of 50 to 250 words

2. Pick any fic...again...consult the comm...and I'll give you a detail that didn't make it into the fic - it could be background canon, deleted material (if I still have it), the music that helped me set the mood or a look into the future - or it could be a question about inspiration, the writing process, research. This one was stolen from the adorable dracutgrl

That's all for now...I promise to be around more later...pinkyswear

updates and such, memes, i'm such a bad lj friend

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