A Political Break

Oct 30, 2008 13:41

Gee, there sure are lot of Obama-lovers n' Prop 8 opponents on my LJ friends list. ;P

I've seen quite a few posts as to why Prop 8 is wrong. The only reason I'm seeing on why to vote yes is religion-based or homo-phobic. I wonder if there's anyone out there that has a reason on why to vote yes besides the religious/anti-gay stance.

I have yet to see people post reasons as to why they are voting for Obama. I'm talking substantial reasons such as in "he wants to implement Plan A to fix Issue B", not this "Hope, Change, Blahblahblah" rhetoric. And is there anyone out there who is voting for McCain? Why? And how do you factor in Palin in your choice?

I've been getting a lot of fwds to YouTube vids featuring McCain supporters in the Midwest/South. It's really kinda of scary as to why they are against Obama - a lot of it being based on bigotry, racism, and religiousness (McCain's the right sort of Christian) and nothing else.

Sometimes I wonder if it would be better if there wasn't a popular vote since, obviously, people aren't making informed decisions**.

**No, I'm not talking about you...unless you flipped a coin or something.

EDIT: Yes, I know how the voting system works. I'm just saying, is it a waste of a vote if someone voted without being informed at all? Why should a person even bother voting if all they're gonna do is go "Oh, well he looks like a good Christian...I'll vote for him."???
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