I had a great weekend. I got to see the Dismembered Tennesseans at the festival Friday night. I did the River Rescue on Saturday. Met a lot of cool, fun people and got really dirty dragging stuff out of the woods/creek. I got home and, after taking a much-needed shower, realized that PA was about to eat his young. I dragged the kids to the Ronald McDonald House carnival and gave him some time off.
As great as this weekend was, today spat in its face and said mean things about its mother. I found out that little girl has a sinus infection after two hours at the doctor's office. Also, little man has completely lost any semblance of civility and I'm at my wit's end with how to deal with him. I think it's one of those times where he's in the midst of a growth spurt or aliens have taken over his body or something and we just have to make it to the other side.
Oh, I nearly forgot.
Jonathan Coulton is coming to Atlanta and I got tickets! That makes up for it all, doesn't it?