Well, you already know I've got a bit of a thing for it, so I think we'll have to agree to differ on that XD Of course, it does make a difference on WHO's the one wearing it *lol*
Who is wearing it definitely makes all of the difference XD ^^ But I may have to eat my words...just saw some pretty yummy photos of hyde and he's wearing eyeliner ^__^ (check my lj ^^)
(XDDDD A convert to the cause of guyliner!?! Welcome!) I think you must mean the new issue of Monthly VAMPS *lol* hydemyself mentioned the yumminess *LMAO*
XD ^^
I'm actually not a big fan of guys and eyeliner ^^;; But if it's a guy wearing it, I would rather look at hyde hehe ^__^
Well, you already know I've got a bit of a thing for it, so I think we'll have to agree to differ on that XD Of course, it does make a difference on WHO's the one wearing it *lol*
Who is wearing it definitely makes all of the difference XD ^^ But I may have to eat my words...just saw some pretty yummy photos of hyde and he's wearing eyeliner ^__^ (check my lj ^^)
*runs over to your lj* XPP
I sent some new links to you in my reply to your comment ^___^
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