
Jun 23, 2009 22:27

I liked this one Holly did! With just one change.. :)

If I had a _____________ I would ___________________.
If I wrote a grocery list, ______________ would be at the top.
If I met ____________________ I would ______________________.
If no one could see me, I would ______________________________.
If no one would judge me, I would _____________________________.
If I knew I could not fail, I would ___________________________.
If life gives you lemons, __________________________________.

If I had a great sense of willpower and a working ankle I would walk every morning and hike each weekend.
If I wrote a grocery list, beautiful fresh corn on the cob would be at the top.
If I met Peter Gabriel I would beg to sing a song with him and tell him that his music has formed me.
If no one could see me, I would be very frustrated, and probably get into a lot of funny mischief. Practically speaking, I'd wear lots of bright colors.
If no one would judge me, I would ask a lot more strangers for kisses and dates.
If I knew I could not fail, I would quit my job and open a coffeehouse/bakery that was open all night and made perfectly delicious hot and fresh everything at night.
If life gives you lemons, go buy eggs and butter and jars, because there is a whole lot of lemon curd in your future if you bring the whole shebang to my house.


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