Jan 29, 2009 17:54
Nick took me to Gold's today for my first workout. It was really very energizing and cool. Not that I thought it wouldn't be, but I was pretty heartily intimidated and I just sort of felt like crap before going, so I didn't have high hopes.
But I lifted weights and did arm machines for about 40 minutes, and then we also walked there and back at a good clip (ach! Boys!) and that was probably a half-mile altogether. So I earned 5 activity points! And not only that but I feel good.
Go me!
And now I don't feel nearly as intimidated, so I can go more often. We'll have to see tomorrow how I feel - I think I may have pushed a little too hard for my first workout on my arms.. but it felt good at the time! I'm also a little concerned for my poor ankle, with the walking there and all. We'll see.
Next week, Physical Therapy begins. Woot - getting the activity part going is going to be rough, but essential. Wish me luck!