Some goals for today:
- Finalize theme, menu and shopping list for Sarah's bridal shower
- Clean up kitchen, unpack all boxes currently in there or move to garage
- Go to nursery/OSH and buy some new plants for the front garden
- Plant said plants
- Water lawn!!
- Get laundry together, go to laundromat
- Plug in piano, set up instruments
- Move clothes from 2nd dresser to bedroom
- Perhaps play this evening with figbash
- Write Evite for bachelorette party in Portland
- Try to relax a bit and rest my neck (totally not going to happen)
- Sort through mail, try to find Jury Duty notice and hope it hasn't passed
- Maybe go to Home Goods and get tea platter and tablecloth
- Send Netflix back
- Collapse
That seems like a pretty full day. Perhaps I should get started.