Apr 04, 2008 19:18
Biko went in for his follow-up appointment, and we have only good news. His white blood cell count is back down to very normal levels - so the antibiotics have done their job. We're keeping him on one antibiotic for another week, and starting the thyroid meds. Hopefully we can get him back to normal here very soon.
They still don't know exactly what was wrong. And they want to do an ultrasound of his abdomen. I need to save up some money for that to happen.. but they're not concerned about it being terribly serious at the moment, so thats okay. This vet was really kind and knowledgeable. A little stressed out and busy - but they were still good.
Anyway - thought his cheering section might like to know that he's doing better. I'm sure in no small part because of all of the healing vibes and good thoughts that you guys have given him. Thank you again.