Tuesday - May 6, 2003 ... TS, SV, B/A

May 07, 2003 18:21

* :::pounds head against wall:: How difficult *is* it to remember to change journals before posting. Shouldn't be too hard, but apparently it is for me! ::poundpoundpound::

The Sentinel - Jim/Blair
Honeymoon Suite
by Dangermouse, aka dmouse
There's different levels of realism in fanfic. There's fluffy soft-edged happy!fic, kinda like the prose equivalent of one of those big-eyed sweet-faced anime-like caricatures. In source-canon, think Cleopatra 2525 or Charlie's Angels (not that being a T&A jigglefest is a requirement, they're just what came to mind). Then there's the harsh bleeding edge of streetwise reality, stark and ugly -- and just as stylized. Think Law & Order, or Oz. And then there's all different gradations between. Now the *source* canon of The Sentinel is middle of the road on this scale, maybe even a little towards the fluffy side. This story, for all that Jim and Blair are after a serial killer, is a bit further along the fluffy end of the scale than its canon source. It' a nice, mid-level entry in longish post-TSbBS first-time fic. There are no deep new insights into the characters, but not every fic is about finding deep new insights. This is a love story. It was nice. Nothing earth-shattering. A few odd word-choices that could be a matter of differing personal tastes. The style of the sex scenes was not my cuppa, but I *know* that's my personal taste and YMM-and probably will-V. I'm not heavily pro or con about this one -- I think it depends on whether you're into one of the subgenres (first times, cop!Blair, post-TSbBS) or just looking for Sentinel fic that's a nice, longish, cozy, unchallenging read.

Smallville: CLex
Untraditional, part 1 *WIP*
Untraditional, part 2a *WIP*
*NOTE* More has been posted, including the decision about the title, but I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. *pouts*
by edgecity
AU ... Lex wasn't in Smallville when the meteors hit; instead of getting his hair, they offed Lionel. Clark is still a benevolent stalker, but of Lex, not Lana. And Lex, with hair, finally comes to town to move into the Castle. That's the opening of this AU. Clark really *feels* 15 in this story; generally he feels older/more mature in fanfic. Or it could be that, rather than being an intensely noble young gentleman, this Clark is a *guy*. (Methos would approve. *wink*) And his musings about sexual identity, though brief, are a hoot. Lex, now -- this Lex is an enigma; the story *screams* "who/what will Lex be without Lionel's influence?!" and I'm curious to find out this author's answer. Plus, there's something really ... *relaxing* about reading a Smallville fanfic where I'm not tensing up in fearful anticipation of Lionel's obnoxious and sociopathic presence. Cause I really *hateloathedespise* Lionel and don't find him sexy or attractive at all. John Glover is a whole 'nother matter, but Lionel? *blech* So lack of Lionel is a nice little vacation for me. I'm looking forward to seeing how the character interactions develop, how the characters themselves are altered (and/or *not* altered) by the altered circumstances. And it was posted over at denialcorp so we know already that things will probably *not* end in tears. Yea! Go, read, see what you think. I think you'll enjoy.

Buffy-verse: Spike/Xander
S/X Drabble 10 *WIP*
by WesleysGirl (wesleysgirl)
Go here for links to all installments of series (serial?). I've listed/rec'd it before and *recommend* this installment as well. And -- #11 is up but I haven't had time to read it. *pouts* I really ate it when real life interfers with my fandom habit!

Smallville: CLex
Gladly Beyond
by jenn, aka seperis
*whine* How come nobody told me Jenn'd done a sequel to Somewhere I Have Never Traveled!?! (Which I reviewed at length and in-depth here. How'd I *miss* that Jenn did a sequel?!? *whinewhine* It's great, it's wonderful, it's -- told in a non-linear style (actually, a directly reversed linear style) that knocked me off-balance and kept me there. I'm not sure that I liked that particular element (I tend to like my storytelling straightforward and non-experimental), but there's so much wonderful stuff here that I did love. I just wanted to know *more* in all non-linear directions. Especially "what is to come next". I wonder if Jenn will ever do a third installment.... (I'm not holding my breath for it, though. *sigh*)

smallville, buffy_and_angel-verse, the_sentinel

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