fandom(s): SGA

Jan 29, 2006 18:26

*waves* Hey, I'm back!! Did ya miss me?! (note continued after boxed rec)

fandom :: Stargate Atlantis
pairing/characters :: n/a; John/Rodney if you squint very lightly ... Sheppard, Weird, Simpson, Zelenka, Beckett, Cadman, Lorne, Ronon, Teyla, assorted central casting, and Rodneysaur! *rrarr*
name :: Twenty Four Hours With a Rodneysaur, Or Blame Spaggel
author/LJ :: maryavatar
summary :: (from spaggel's original fic request, linked above) "I NEED a fic were Rodney is turned into a tiny stuffed dinosaur and is all "FEAR ME *RAWR*" but they either ignore him, because they cannot see him as he is a foot tall, or hold him and cuddle him and poke his little belly. <3<3<3 ... AND JOHN TAKES HIM TO BED WITH HIM, TO EAT THE MONSTERS UNDER HIS BED."
why this MUST be read :: It's funny, it's cute, it's the kind of silly-yet-serious crackfic that SGA fandom does so tremendously well. It's brand new! Rodney is a wee little dinosaur. There is *cuddling* and *tiny wee fangs and claws* and (totally innocent) *water sports*! Also cupcakes, broccoli, and meatballs. *hee*
warnings :: Not really, so long as you engage your sense of humor before reading.
quote :: "Oh, it's terrible," Zelenka said, pushing his glasses up. "The device we have been using to transform seaweed into edible vegetation... Simpson was..." Zelenka waved his arms and said something John was fairly sure meant 'filled with vengeance'. "Rodney was being... himself. Even more than usual." John winced. "Simpson made a tiny mistake, and he overreacted, and so she..." Zelenka pointed at the travel case that the electron microscope from the biolab had come in. It was rattling, as if something inside was moving. John walked over to look in the box, while Elizabeth concentrated on Zelenka.
link again :: *click here*
supplemental materials :: Spaggel links to various illustrations and other stories (which I need to go read now) that will keep the funny roaring...
Never fear, the fancy formatting is only for this post; I'll go back to something simpler in future. But I just wanted to kinda break the ice - I've been procrastinating and stalling and delaying and am now just gonna force myself to start posting recs again.

I have a *huge* backlog of recs that I'll be slowly going through and posting here, as well as whatever I'm reading at any given moment. Lots of Xander-centered Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series and McKay-centered Stargate Atlantis fic, plus many other fandoms and pairings. Mostly slash, but with gen and het sprinkled on top.

And I'm gonna go back to my old habit of listing and linking to whatever I'm reading at the moment. I'm also exploring how to use to better keep up with the changing links. Hints, tips, comments, requests, conversation are all welcome but not obligatory.

*humor, stargate_atlantis, *administrivia

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