What I Read on Saturday (6/14) - TS, SG, DS, xo

Jun 15, 2003 18:11

Yippee! Caught up to today's reading list. Go me!

Crossover: The Sentinel xo Stargate SG-1
Back Up Plan
by Dangermouse (dmouse)
AU -- "What if Blair had another option when things started to go wrong between him and Jim over the diss -- and Alex?" I've been kinda rough on this author here, yet I always end up reading her new stuff. Why? Because she writes long stories, with plots, and I can always skim past the sex scenes. And because my hunger for Sentinel stories far outstrips the supply of new fic coming out. On the other hand, this is the second story by her that I've read where big mean Jim and Jack have driven faultless Blair and Daniel (who are old old friends'n'lovers) into each others' arms for hot'n'heavy comfort sex. Okay, this is the author's kink, she's very upfront in believing that Blair and Daniel are soulmates, even if they each love somebody else. So, from the standpoint that an author should be free to write her kinks and to please herself first, I can't fault it. But from the standpoint of *my* kinks, this is just so not my thing. There's a touch of wee!Blair going on, and a few too many "you're beautiful", "no, you're beautiful" exchanges. The Daniel in my head isn't a big slut, either. And there's a strong fairy godmother/dues ex machina sense to how everything turns out so conveniently and well for the main characters. If the fandoms or the pairings interest you, then you need to judge for yourself.

Due South: Fraser/Kowalski
What If
by shedoc
Author summary: What if Ray V came in from the cold before COTW? How do I love this story? Let me count the ways ... Dief (and the "who's taking care of the wolf" question) is remembered at all crucial points ... Vecchio is treated with respect and not turned into a homophobic jerk. What's not to love? RayK's dialect -- the "dese, dats, and deres" approach that, yeah, is a South Sider accent but a pain to have to read (thus spaketh the North Sider). What I don't get is why the author goes with the "dese, dats, and deres" thing in this more recent story when earlier stories (see below for titles) don't have this irritating dialect thingee. Stella-bashing (though, since I'm not familiar with source, it's possible that she deserves it and I'm just not aware of it). Some underwritten segments, especially pre-relationship angst, Vecchio's homecoming, Kowalski's return to duty, and a few other sections ... they felt rushed, like there was more that could've been/needed to be said there. Overall, the good stuff far outweighs the, um, less-good. **recommended**

Due South: Fraser/Kowalski
Mechanic at Stony Creek
Family at Stony Creek
Crisis at Stony Creek
by shedoc
I've read the first two installments before and enjoyed them. Post-CotW, Fraser and RayK go back to their separate countries after their quest for the Hand of Franklin. Then Ray gets injured (severely) in the line of duty and moves to Canada -- but without telling Fraser what's happened. He settles in the town of Stony Creek as the town mechanic (taking over from the previous mechanic who is retiring and who he'd befriended during the quest). Bad things happen and Fraser gets reassigned to Stony Creek. Rocky reunion, then life continues from there, to use Ray's words, "in the context of crazed weasels". *snicker* I just love that phrase. The moment when the two first declare their love for one another is a bit overly melodramatic, and their pet names for one another are a bit on the gooey side, but I seem to remember sobbing along the first time I read it. I admit it, I'm a sap sometimes. Lots of Dief here, treated well, plus a strong supporting cast made up of a mixed back of familiar-from-canon and original characters. Action, adventure, and Turnbull! *recommended*

due_south, stargate_sg1, *crossovers, the_sentinel

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