What I Read on Thursday (5/29) - SV, JAG

May 30, 2003 14:16

So LiveJournal is still floundering around like a gigantic fish out of water. When the fixes are finished, we're promised speed and access beyond our wildest dreams, but it's not happened *yet*. In the meantime, there was a big chunk of time when LJ couldn't be accessed at all. Including the pages with the links to the stories I wanted to read and the LJ posted serials whose next chapters I wanted to read and... *sigh* I still got a bit read, between a visit to the time-sucking void of the Neopet site and tai chi class and an extended CSI episode. (And I can't help but wonder -- am I the only one who *spleens* that skanky bitch Catherine with her prom-queen-syndrome 'tude and her neediness and her psycho parenting style?

Smallville: Julian Luthor/Alex Kent (aka CLex with a twist)
Altville, parts 20 and 21 *WIP*
by Livia Penn (liviapenn) @ box_of_serial
Read earlier installments at box_of_serial. And it just keeps getting better! Fallout from the scarecrow hazings. Julian overplays his hand and loses his cool. Alex gets stressed. Then Julian and Alex put their heads together and start talking payback. ***extra-muchly recommended***

JAG: Rabb/Webb
Disturbing Behavior I: The Kiss
Disturbing Behavior II: The Rest
by Caroline Crane (carolinecrane) @ Desiderium Caritas
The author notes that she didn't bother with a beta because ... well, I got the impression that she wasn't invested in the story enough to make the effort. Which is a legitimate choice -- there are writers out there and WIPes out there that I'd go through much beta-needed drek just to get the next installment, whatever shape it's in. That said, this story, both parts, was readable but still needed a beta. In the first part, every character seemed to have a moderate to severe case of dueling widened eyes. Less is more. Also, the idea of Harm crushing on Clay didn't work for me in part one, though it did in part two. And Webb seemed subtly off, not in characterization per se, but in physical "business", his described body language seemed off, in other words. Then, in the second half, there were some discrepancies with timing, and with whether it was Sturgis or Turner in one scene as both names were used interchangeably. These caveats aside, I just submerged the critical faculty, went with the premise and enjoyed the story. And the sex? Finally, a sex scene that hit my buttons. Not the deep!kink buttons, but the hot'n'horny buttons. Happy me. Happy Harm and Clay. *recommended with caveats*

Yes! ((pumps fist in air)) Finally, I'm caught up on posting my backlog here. *bouncebouncebounce* Now I can go forth and read anew (or something). The plan is to post the day's reading either just before I go to bed, or the next morning. And the betting can begin now on how long it takes me to fall behind again.

[ eta ... someday I'll remember to switch journals when I post these *sigh* ]

*mini-rant, smallville, jag

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