What I Read on Monday (5/26 - Memorial Day) TS, HL, B/A, SV

May 30, 2003 12:25

If you've been reading along at home and trying to figure out the difference between a "very recommended" and a "highly recommended" and, you know, rankings and stuff ... there mostly aren't any. The modifying word to "recommended" is just an indicator as to how enthusiastic I was feeling at the moment I wrote the review -- and also me trying to ( Read more... )

smallville, buffy_and_angel-verse, highlander, the_sentinel, *administrivia

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drc1 May 30 2003, 13:37:07 UTC
What zortified said! I only read BtVS fics and only very few pairings (mostly S/X), but still. So, thank you.
As for eliade's Subtleties: it can be found in its entirety in the slash section of her web site. The direct link is here.


djinanna May 30 2003, 14:00:20 UTC
Again, thanks so very much for stopping by to let me know you've been enjoying yourself here. Very encouraging.

As you may have noticed, I tend to read in this random pattern. Sometimes I'll get a yen for a particular pairing or author and then that's all I read for a day or three. Eventually I go back to (for no reason I particularly know) 852 Prospect and check out what's new in Sentinel slash. Then the randomness starts again. And S/X is my favorite Buffy-verse pairing, though I like/read a bunch of others, obviously. Eventually I'll get into a S/X and/or Buffy *mood* again.

Though ... I need to decide what to do when I start *rereading* stuff that's already been listed here. Probably just write them up again, I think. It'll be easier.

And thanks for the Subtleties link. I'm presently trying out new browsers so my bookmarks folder isn't always easily accessible to me. Which is why I haven't been over at Anna's site lately to ogle the pretty hippy boy and see what she's been up to outside of LiveJournal....


drc1 May 30 2003, 15:42:47 UTC
BtVS is the only fandom where I read fanfic at all. I started almost 2 years ago with S/B but now it's almost exclusively S/X. I would read more S/A or X/A but it's difficult to find good fics for these pairings, and possibly fics that are more than 'just' PWPs.
BTW, I liked what you said about Repossession. I have some problems with the way Lazuli deals with Xander's past and other characters that are not S/X or the OCs, but I absolutely agree with what you said about the quality of the writing.
Thanks again for posting these recs.:-)


djinanna May 31 2003, 18:30:27 UTC
Many years ago (I'm talking back in the 80's), I was involved in editing and publishing zines, as well as reading them. Slightly different fannish genre/venue than what I'm reading and listing here on the Revue. (Pern, Elfquest, helping a friend with her Starsky & Hutch gen zines ... original Star Wars) Then there's this 20-year gap ( ... )


drc1 June 6 2003, 07:21:17 UTC

I’m very sorry it took me so long to reply to your post. Work and other RL stuff kept getting in the way, so maybe you have long forgotten about me.:-)) Also, I think I should warn you about my tendency to get rather long-winded when writing about something that makes me think.

Re: Then, about 2-1/2 years ago, I got my laptop and started reading Highlander gen and het on the web. Oddly enough, since my own writing has always had slashy characters in it, I resisted slash fic. Until I'd read every single gen and het story featuring Methos that was in the 7th Dimension HL Archive. Took me about six months. So I've been reading slash for about 2 years (and on LiveJournal, thus *commenting* on slash, for about 1 year).

Anyway, that's why and when I started reading slash fanfic for the first time. (Well, except for that Luke-as-sex-slave/Han zine back in '79....) Started with Highlander. Then added X-Files. Then Due South and The Sentinel, kinda simultaneously. From that point on, it became a gigantic snowball rolling downhill.The ( ... )


drc1 June 6 2003, 07:22:13 UTC

Re: I'll always pick a long plotty, characterization-heavy story over a PWP if given a choice and I have the time to read the longer piece.

Me too, although due to my pickiness concerning pairings I have actually trouble finding new quality fics, short or long. Sometimes, well-written PWP can be very entertaining but those are rare. Also, I’ve found that after reading so and so many PWPs (or sex scenes in general) it becomes quite boring. And I’m so tired of graphic, even clinical descriptions, even more so when writers clearly have no idea what they are writing about, and don’t care very much about getting it right either. Only writers like Anna S. or wiseacress are able to make it interesting and fun to read again.

Re: Repossession ... I think that generally I like what Lazuli does with the other canon characters. I'm thinking she has "issues" with some of them, but she resists outright bashing, instead chosing to give Xander legitimate issues/conflicts with them wherein they don't come off as total asses. (Not counting ( ... )


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