What I read Tuesday (5/20) - crossovers, DS, B/A, SV, TS, H/X

May 22, 2003 14:22

I read a surprising amount of fanfic on Tuesday, considering it was the Buffy finale. I think it was nerves. I needed to keep distracting myself from anticipating what would happen on Buffy, then I got all nostalgic and wanted *more* Buffy-verse, then I just ... kept reading, jumping from fandom to fandom. I had wanted to write some LJ comments, but the system once again wouldn't cooperate. *grrr* Oh, look! It's lunchtime!!!

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Crossover: telling would spoil it (no pairing)
by Victoria P (musesfool)
What the author says about the story: I think I could write one-joke crossovers for the rest of my fic-writing ‘career’.
It was short. It had a punch-line. It make me snicker. And I don't follow -- well, either of the fandoms, actually.

Due South: Fraser/RayK
by Resonant @ in media Res
*bibble* I-uh-guh... *melt* It was lovely. *recommended*

Smallville: CLex
by ingrid (lexluvsclark)
*sniffsniff* Sweet, but with a haunting achy sadness hovering just out of sight. *recommended*

Buffy-verse: Dawn and Connor
by Branwyn
Followed a link from Te's rec pages to this. Too short. Among the possibilities with Dawn and Connor, there is this. Intriguing, but--. Just whets the appetite for post-season 4 finale Connor fic. I want some long plotty *Connor* fic to submerge myself in, dammitall! *recommended*

Due South: Fraser/RayK
First Time
by aerye (eyrea)
Warning: some het action at the start. (I just get such a perverse giggle from *warning* about het. *snicker*) Very hot, very sweet. Very short.

Momentary digression:
Okay, I know that it takes time to write a long complex plotty story. And, even though it's not really *easier* to write short pieces, and it doesn't take less time *proportionately*, it does still take less time overall. But ... I *want* long stories. I want to dive in and swim around in the story for a good long time, not dip in and get ejected from the pool before my whole body has had a chance to get wet. I want to submerge myself in the writer's interpretation, sink down into the writer's vision, lose myself in the universe created by the words-- Or, yeah, whatever. ((straightens clothing and hair surreptitiously))

Buffy-verse: Spike/Xander
S/X Drabble, part 14. The End.
bt WesleysGirl (wesleysgirl)
Previous installments can be found here.
Comment from the author: Yes, this is really the end. There won't be more of this story, or a sequel. The whole nature of it is that it's a little slice of time out of canon, and if the story went on I'd have to figure out what happens next, and I don't want to know. I like it this way.
I will practice the gentle art of acceptance. Much as *I* want to find out what happens next. Because I *always* want to find out what happens next. It's my curse. I needs must learn to cope. Besides -- this story's already clocked a respectable chunk of wordage. And it's hot and it's sweet and it's wistful and it's achy and it's ... filled with hopeful possibilities. And I'd rather let it break off here, with those hopeful possibilities intact, than have it continue and be disillusioned. ***highly recommended***

The Sentinel: Jim/Blair
Series - Awakenings: The Last Straw, Equilibrium, Miracles, Home is a Person, Revelations
by Cat Moran
Post-TSbBS, mostly pre-slash. Interesting extrapolation of how Blair would react to being a cop. I don't think I agree with the extreme path Blair's reaction takes here, but I was able to suspend my disbelief within the framework of the series. The final story in the series has a kinda unique take on the "how can we get the boys in bed together" cliche. And there was some cool spirit-travel stuff. On the other hand, in the first story Jim clearly states that Blair's spirit guide, the wolf, *died*; Blair eventually recovers, yet the spirit guide issue is left hanging and never resolved. *recommended with caveats*

The Sentinel: Jim/Blair
Con Man - Jim-POV ramble about Blair ... there's love and desire and UST and *hopelessness* and it's hauntingly sweet and hurty.
Waiting for Words - another post-TSbBS. It's all about healing and communication, and how a delicate touch is needed for both, and about how sometimes, however cliched it is to say it, actions speak louder than words.
by Cara Chapel
I haven't been to this site in a while. She's added some fics that had been in zines, it seems. And since she specifically asks that links go only to her site's warnings page, and I'm gonna browse around in the short stories here for a bit, I'm changing my revue format a little bit....

Hercu-verse: Joxer/Ares
Ares Needs a Laugh
by Lianne Burwell
Silly, but in a sweet way. Short. I *heart* the Joxer/Ares pairing so much. Want more.

The Sentinel: JIm/Blair
Lost Brotherhood
by Lianne Burwell
I've got mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, the set-up is a bit hokey. A string of killings called "the Wild Hunt" by the press, a mysterious teacher named Arawn ... maybe it's just that I've read Welsh mythology enough to recognize the signs. Which brings us to the other hand -- if you can accept the basic premise of ancient magicks loose in Cascade, this is a very creepy little story. The Pack here is vaguely reminiscent of the possessed-by-demonic-hyenas pack from the Buffy episode (called, conveniently enough, "The Pack"), though the post-magick consequences in a non-Sunnydale environment would probably be a bit more complicated than what's presented here. And the tension of the chase, the fear/danger Blair experiences, and Jim's quiet desperation as he searches for Blair... *recommended*

Buffy-verse: Riley/Oz
Dio Divorare
by Zyre (zyre) and Irda Majere
Very AU. PWP. Riley and Daniel meet up at a club and like what they see. There's no mention of Willow, I don't think there *is* a Willow in this Oz's life. Same for Riley and Buffy. Hot and sweet, but I wonder about the Oz characterization. He never struck me as the promiscuous type, or someone who'd cut loose on the dance floor with slinky-sexy moves. I *could* be forgetting something from canon, though. And then there's how the characters development would differ in an AU world with different formative influences... Plus, it's *sweet*. And I like sweets.

*mini-rant, smallville, due_south, hercules_&_xena-verse, buffy_and_angel-verse, *crossovers, the_sentinel

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