Recently, I've noticed an upsurge of a few pet peeves in fanfic. Is it the fandoms I'm in or is it indicative of the new/young writers on the block? I don't know and I don't care, I fucking hate it, anyways.
1. There are reasons WHY caps exist, and I don't find the absence of them arty so much as pretentious bullshit. They are a flag that a sentence is beginning. That we have finished one little piece of interesting thought. And now we are moving onto another. They are also used to indicate a proper noun, i.e.g, something about THIS noun is special. Like in a name. Deliberately removing caps is bullshit
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YES TO ALL OF THIS. YES. To add to your #3, I feel too that many writers add in a sex scene in a forced way, like, they can't have an adult story without some kind of smut. Really unnecessary in many fics, inserted awkwardly. I'd rather it not be there at all than to just be there to get an adult rating. I grow tired of smut for smut's sake.
I think that the problem with kink is that 99% of the time the names are interchangeable. The fandom is used as a vehicle for writing kink and nothing more. I've just stopped reading stories with acres of meaningless sex. Unless it has a real purpose in the story, then I just nope out. And I find myself reading very little as a result.
Yes, or I skim past the sex scenes, scrolling through. I think sometimes that my old fandoms have spoiled me for new fandoms or new authors; I've seen/read some of the best there is to offer (story/plot/angst/sex/kink, etc etc), so the chances of seeing something new and interesting are slim, even if the fandom/source material is vastly different. :(
RE: Re: Peevespir8fancierJuly 1 2019, 05:53:16 UTC
This sounds like such sour grapes, but I honestly think that fandom is moving so quickly these days, that people hop from a shiny bauble to the next shiny bauble (the herd effect, have to be cool) that the writing has really suffered. I have some stories that I worked on for YEARS. Frigging years. Fandom is moving so quickly that nothing has time to percolate. Writers aren't teasing out the nuance anymore. There isn't time. Also, tumblr has made fandom so much more vicious (something I didn't think was possible). I have been getting the rudest comments on fanfiction that I wrote years ago. I mean seriously, WTF are you writing to me for, comments that are deliberately designed to hurt and ridicule me, and I put it down to the tumblr effect. Sure, I've received comments that weren't exactly sweetness and light, and you have to accept that a certain percentage of people will not like your writing, but I never felt they were malicious, trying to take me down several pegs. Fortunately, I have the hide of a rhino, and I'm like, yawn, go
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I'm not a writer, but I have seen some of these things happen as an observer, so yeah, I think you have a point. I'm sorry you have to deal with that shit, rhino hide or not.
RE: Re: Peevespir8fancierJuly 1 2019, 06:23:58 UTC
Fortunately, I'm no longer relevant or even well known any more, but I still get comments. And the majority of them are really positive and lovely, and for that I'm grateful. But when they are ugly, they are REALLY ugly. I think if I were as active as I'd had been, I'd get a lot more grief than the occasional stinker. I mean, I wrote a ton of snarry. Can you imagine how that would go over now with the antis?
I tried to tell everyone, back when they started forcing people to use ratings and warnings for fics (it's not like they warn for those kind of contents on the backs of books!) that this kind of system never did anyone any good, it was censorship and mollycoddling, and now look at fandoms, everywhere. If they aren't overrun with people lying about the adult content to get more clicks from kink-seekers then it's people crying and screaming and rclutching their chests about authors not warning for character death or sex or violence like it's the disney channel. wtf, it's the internet. I TRIED TO TELL EVERYONE.
I have that problem in fests where the recipient asks for NC17 and it just feels so forced, so I have 30K of plot and then 3 paragraphs of smut just to qualify with the rating.
Yes! Very very irritating. I mean NC-17 doesn't necessarily mean XXX-blue. It can be organic or romantic and not be *dripping* with insincerity for the smut's sake. Ugh. /old and jaded.
I think it's an age thing, and not just how old we are, but how long we've been in fandom. Like we've seen and read everything, we can skip the actual sex now.
hmmm. Should do a new fest: mature, dramatic, adult plotted and rated fic(18+) without smut (not XXX). Start your engines for the Real Life Lesson Fest! hahaha
The tagging issue is kind of a reverse warning system to me. If you can't write a decent few tags and instead come up with an armful of cutesy phrases that are not even amusing, then I'm pretty sure I won't like the way you handle the actual story either.
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