
Feb 22, 2004 01:44

well it has been awhile, well lets see i dont remember when the last time a posted even though i am on my own friend list hehehehe, well lately me and jamie have been distant she lives in the north east ans i live here in the eastside so it has helped our relationship alot. it is weird sometimes i get worried that i dont have feelings for her cause if she goes out i am not worried or scared that she will cheat on me or i dont even care who she is with it is the total opposite of the way i am , so i think "do i have feelings, cause it seems like i dont care" or " am i just a better person to trust her and just have faith" so i decide to go with the second option see ask anybody before i guess i was just over protective so i pushed people away and now i figure hey fuck it if it is meant to be so be it. the way i see it better late to realize that than never. well i went to caopnes and er last night with sofia, i was so happy that my military id works for somehting THANKS UNCLE SAM! so i am there and i had like 6 beers and i am wasted i was thinking something is wrong cause i drink all the time so i had fun none the less but i dont remember like 1 to 1 and a 1/2 hours of the latter part of the night which freaks me out cause i think i was drugged or something, so all i remember is part of the drive home (dont worry i wasnt driving) and then waking up on the edge of the freeway puking and let me tell u it scared the crap out of me i mean shit passing out then waking up on the freeway hehehe, well i finally get home and anthony walked me in cause he even said something is wrong cause i usually drink a hell of alot more and dont cluck it, so i set my alarm fro 7:30 at fucking night when i meant to set it for 7:30 am so i also managed to change the time on my clock so wheni wake up in the morn it says 11:45 i was suppose to be there at 8 so i am shitting bricks so i call work and they say it is only 915 just come in so i am still really fucked up cause i got home at like 430-5 so i went in and sofia points out that my face has red bloches on it so i looked and they were every where so i eat cattle baron with sofia go home pick jamie up from like butt fuck nowhere and proceed home to get sleep , well surprise surprise paul comes over with an intake for my car and we put it on it sounds sweet and looks good with the radio i dont have :-( i loved that fuckin alpine, oh yeah i have new tires for once like real new hehehehe, anyway so i try to sleep again and we get invited to a hotel party we go and there is like only ambercrombie fags there i felt like just getting violent hehehehheh paul makes so bad joke about this asian guy and how he can like fix any japanese auto :-P and we roll him and heather go there own way and me and jamie came home to watch the chapple show! dave fucking is the man , i hope tony wasnt lieing about him coming here in may i cant wait , well that was my past few days so if anybody actually reads my journal holla back peace out playa.

oh yeah zak hit a gurl for no reason and i had to set him straight :-D
peace and tony thanks for lieing about u being sick heather told me everything!
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