Is it me, or did the guy who's just posted the guide called "Secret Bonus Guide" on the
Dynamite Headdy FAQs page on GameFAQs copy and paste all of that from the guide written by Bob Tomasevich and Micheal Sterns? If that's true, and the user called CloudStriffe6666 ain't an alias of either of them (which I sincerely doubt as he left his REAL name in the FAQ itself) I think I am quite justified in saying this:
I mean, cripes, the only reason I stuck the SBPs in my FAQ / Walkthrough was because to make sure that no idiot made a pointless FAQ like this jerkwad has, and I even managed to find out that some of the points in the original version (like the Far Trek one) were incorrect, while at the same time giving credit to Bob and Mike for doing the hard work in the first place. And what makes me MORE even pissed off is that this dumbass even did a terrible copy and paste!!!
I'm copying this entry to the Treasure Journal for obvious reasons, then finding out the smoothest way possible to get that abomination of a FAQ off GameFAQs. Anyone who can help me in this matter would be most appreciated.