Jul 02, 2005 00:11
My journey with the West Texas Writing Project is almost over.
As we don't have school on Monday due to the holiday, I have three days left of school, but they will be the most insanely busy days of the whole project. I find it soooo hard to sit in the same room from 8:30 to 3:30 hearing the same three teachers talk; it makes me wonder how I ever got through elementary school as it was just the same teacher all day...I guess it was because we got a break for P.E., which I hated as I was not athletic.
Anyway, just needed a break from working on my final projects for the last week...back to the salt mine I go.
Patriotism reigns this weekend. God Bless the U.S.A., as that song says.
p.s. Step throat has subsided. Hurray. Now if this 107+ heat would subside...