Holy crap its damn hot here in Florida still. I can't wait 'til the temperature starts dropping to tell you the truth! It also hasn't rained in the past week since Hurricane Ophelia decided to take off with all the clouds up north. Supposedly another storm is coming.. but it probably won't be around here until the first week of October or so.
Anywhooo enough about the weather... So I'm into my last week of my classes for this month although Music History continues next month. School's going great so far, there's still a lot of people killing me in GPA scores of +/- 5%. I'd have to say there are about 3 or 4 of them worthy of competition. I know marks don't mean much in the industry or even the awards for that matter, but it's the fact that I need to understand the important concepts and have it all stick. If you didn't know, the school I'm at is a private institution and honestly, it isn't even that hard. People still tend to fail for attendance and grades, and I can careless about all the slackers around here. I'm really not surprised that the school's reputation gets burned here and there because of the dumbass graduates coming out of the Recording Arts program. :P
I will say this though, I'll definitely be ready to do my thing once I get out of here. I have five months left here in Orlando, so at the end of February I'll be out and about in the industry. I haven't decided where I want to start my internship as of yet. I get a one year visa to intern in the US but expenses will be massive depending on where I decide to stay. New York is obviously going to be expensive as hell, but there are tons of studios based out of there and it's not that far from Toronto either. If I move to LA, I'll have to be prepared to deal with rich ass snobs so I hear... heh. I'm not really sure if that's true or not, but I'm willing to try new things. I'm actually aiming to come back to Toronto even though the music industry is not as big there as it is down here in the US. I'm down for doing sound for tv and film for the $$$.
For those kickin' it in Toronto, I'm sure you've heard about the new Film and Media Complex just off the DVP @ Commissioner Rd.(?) and Cherry St. near The Docks (yes the club). This place is supposedly going to bring over 30,000 jobs for Toronto. I'm hoping to be one of those employees when it opens at the end of next 2006 if I get the chance! Supposedly it's going to have the largest soundstage in North America... yes.. in North America.. Bye bye Hollywood.
On another note, I'm missing being at home in Toronto.. I miss my family, my friends, and of course my gf. I wanted to be back home for the American Thanksgiving, but if not, I'll be home for my birthday and Christmas in December. I hope to see a lot of you when I get back.
Well, I gotta get back to studying.. got tests up the ass next week. HOLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAA!
P.S: If you're down for coming to Florida for my graduation in March 2006 (i think its on the 3rd). Let me know. The graduation is free, and you'll be able to stay at my apartment that I have 'til the end of March.. I'm about 30 mins out from downtown Disney so you'll have many tourist things to do. :P