tennis anyone?

Apr 15, 2008 11:12

It has been a seriously long time since I've posted. Sorry peoples, but if I've got any free time to sit in front of the computer I'm devoting it to either pornography or piracy. Perhaps I should not have said that. Anyways, I'm taking this much deserved and very much infrequent break from work (they think I'm programming the intranet database to integrate with our newly acquired French manufacturing company) to give you beautiful people an update. Read on to your heart's content!

Squeezy, or "Isabella" as some of you may know her, is now 1 year old. There's a video of her birthday on my last post. In it she's doing the Polish tradition of deciding her future by selecting a shot glass, rosary, money, or a pen. Those who have seen the video know that my baby gonna be RICH! She's mastered crawling and is moving on to the more coordination-intensive walking. She can stand by herself if I put something in her hands to distract her and let go. But, being the perceptive girl that she is, quickly realizes that there is nothing supporting her and plops down on her diaper-padded bottom. Although she can't walk on her own yet, she does however like to "cruise" the apartment by walking alongside whatever furniture she can use for support. She prefers pushing her walker around rather than being in it. Oh, and my girl loves to DANCE! :

image Click to view

Speaking of dancing... Thanks to the Rex (a.k.a. "The Rex Machine", "T-Rex", "Josiah Rosenbaum", "The Vaseline Man") I've gotten back into breakdancing. I'm not the same bboy I was back in high school, and I've made my peace with the fact that I'll never be again, but it is still a ton of fun to bust your shit for 3 hours on the hardwood. Having done P90X has made breaking a lot more fun too. I can do stuff that I couldn't do back in high school simply because I'm much stronger than I used to be. Maybe I'll post a video or two if I do anything cool. But for now, I'm still sanding off the rust from 6 years of sedentery existence.

I'm starting up another round of P90X. I got sick again and became inactive for a long time so my strength and fitness gains have deteriorated. I did the chest and back routine for the first time in over a month on Sunday. It was very disappointing to look at the worksheet and see that you're doing 10-15 less reps than you were doing 3 months ago. Towards the end of my first round I could recover from a workout in a day, now it's back to a full week of soreness. But come summertime, I'mma be rolling in my six five four three-pack abs and Sex Cannons all the way to the beach.

Work has been crazy these past couple of months. It seems the corporate suits want more billion-dollar years out of us, so they're pushing us to design products to expand to previously untargeted markets. The thing about that is it means we're going to have to design things that we previously thought to be ridiculous. Also, we just promoted someone from the test lab to the design group, so it looks like I'm going to have some direct competition in terms of productivity. That's good for me. I enjoy competition. I do better when I know I've got something on the line. Since I started last year I've been at the bottom of the pyramid in the design group. Maybe now with a new guy learning the ropes my boss will see how productive I really am. It's quite fortunate that all of this is happening during performance evaluations.

Momo is doing fantastic. She's doing extremely well at school, and how she manages to juggle the demands of her professors is beyond me. I would have waved my underwear on a stick as a gesture of surrender a long time ago. Maybe one of these days I can convince her to let me post a picture of her post-workout. It's amazing how this woman has transformed her body post-pregnancy. I'm thinking of sending a couple of her pictures in to Million Dollar Body. If anyone deserves cash for working hard it's this woman.

So that's all I have for now. Hopefully it won't be another eon until my next substantial post. Until then I wish you all a merry springtime!

Bitch, a Citroen ain't nothing but a Fiat with a sunroof. Zut alors!
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