Mar 03, 2005 14:48
just sitting, totally chill. some tunes on, not to much to write about. I look around, and see my closet, why do i have so many clothes? I only wear like 20% of them, so why do i have them, does it give me security to know that i've accumulated so much useless shite. If i had my way, and it was the future, i would wear a one piece jump suit that self cleaned every night, that would be sweet, that way i could turn my closet into a meth lab or some sort of mini green house for cannibus. NO WAIT, I change My Mind, It would be a BIO-SPHERE, Like a preserve, it would have a fish tank with fish and a turtle, i'd have a little 2 level jungle with cannibus plants with geko's and stuff" little water fall to keep that water fresh. that would be total sweetness.
that'll always be the dream, but for now it will be filled with the 80% of clothes that i don't wear.
everyone should have their own mini jungle. lend me your thought on this.