Jan 24, 2006 01:45
I would like to open this up with a message to my fellow Canadians who may have chosen to vote for Harper - there're a good deal of you, fourty percent of voters, apparently; Fuck you. Fuck you right to hell. Stephen Harper's band of merry-fascists have been cozying up to the massed moronic lot of you and you just had to give him the reach around... This is a pathetically sad time in Canadian history and if Harper DARES attack those civil rights we have managed to pry from the already pro-business grits these last ten years, I swear I will find at least one of you and beat you within an inch of your life.
Harper spent the summer of 2005 showing us his real face; a visage disfigured by anger and hatred and intolerance while he tore into the Liberal leadership and more specifically Gay Marriage laws. I didn't realize that all it would take was a few million dollars in advertising money to turn millions of intelligent Canadians into millions of gullible fools, sucking up their propaganda through a straw.
Luckily the election has created a minority Conservative government, which ought not have the clout to do the major reworking that our new Prime Minister craves in his most depressingly Southern-Baptistesque wet dreams. A more disturbing thought is brought on by seeing how easily Harper managed to sway so many Canadians, which means that a centre-right style policy for the next few years - with a couple of even slightly left bills thrown in - might just fool Canadian voters into giving him the majority he needs to truly throw the Charter of Rights and Freedoms right out the window.
As it stands, the Bloc Quebecois holds the balance of power, anything the Conservatives try to pass will have to agree with the BQ's principles - luckily for the - now - Right Honourable (that's a laugh) Stephen Harper, Duceppe's been so busy sucking the man's white, christian cock to bother raising any sort of objection, and if it means more "freedom" (or political fodder) for Quebec they're very unlikely to raise so much as an eyebrow. To anyone living in Montreal with any interest in not being part of the only wealthy western power to balkanize, this is a touch worrying.
If I wasn't so friggin' giddy about life right now, I'd go out and find me a nice Conservative voter right this instant if it meant going door to door.
Fuck you, Canada. Fuck you, Quebec. Most importantly; fuck you, Harper.