
Feb 15, 2006 20:01

It's been a quiet week. But I do have some good news:

For the first time in the past three or so weeks, I'm happy.

Why, you ask?

It's a lot of things. Listing.

Damien - He's made me smile more times than I can count in the past few days I've known him. Considering just how much I actually have smiled beforehand, this is huge progress. He's probably reading this, too. Bloody Grinch.

School - Homifuckinggawd. So. Easy. No snobs, assholes, arrogant fuckwits, etc - there is no set cliche. It's really peaceful and laid back. I need this.

Personal health - I am fitter, healthier, and stronger. I feel really good, and on top of things.

MP3 Player - Hee. 5 gb device of LOVE. So many features - Bluetooth, Radio, playback equalizer, microphone, and you can alter the song in the actual device :) Exxcellent.

Home - Walls are almost done. It's strange to see them a pale fragile blue... Quite cool.

Loose Ends - Certain people are finally happy and complete, which is a fucking relief.

All this and more have got me humming and smiling in class and at home. Parents think I've gone mad.

I'm happy again! Even that's something to smile about ^_^
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