Urge to kill rising...

Feb 02, 2006 22:05

Nuff fucking said.

A list for some people:

I won't fucking talk behind your backs.

I won't spread rumours about you.

I take responsibility for my actions, ninety percent of the time. The other ten is me trying to hold onto something I think is important.

If I don't talk to you, get over it. I have a life.

If I block you, I have more than enough reason.

If I don't like something, or if I think something is irrelevant, I'll bloody well tell you.

I value honesty and integrity over something as trivial as beauty.

I will die for a friend. Don't take that lightly.

My medication is my own fucking business. Whether it's stress, or my ADHD, do not quote a flashpage to me. You cannot assume you know everything about my life, and advise me on my own body.

I will kick a person while they're down. To make sure they don't get back up.

I don't like being toyed with. You can't claim innocence if you are deliberately vague.

I despise people who judge without any reason to. Or use second hand knowledge to fuel their little tirades.

I won't stand for cruelty, or torture, or mental anguish. To any party.

Conceited or no, pretentious or no, I have my fucking reasons.

I'll seek reconciliation if I believe I have fucked up.

I listen to people, most of the time.
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