So this is one fo those weekends where I'm trying to catch up on my todo list which is sadly always overflowing. I'm one of those people though that get totally stressed when my todo list passes like 5 items. I'm not a huge fan of the "let's let it grow and then spend a whoel day or weekend finally taking care of things". I'm more of a 1-item per day sort of person. This way it never gets overwhelming in any sense, and you never get too far behind and you never have to give up a precious weekend to crap. Unfortunately, this means that I tend to use that "in between time" (time in the morning before work, or after work before dinner, or when you get home in the evening after going out before bed) on administrative stuff and cleaning. I know other people use it for fun stuff like reading the web, checking email, playing wow, programming or just general relaxing and recharging time. I could use some relaxing and recharging time...
Here are two comics from today's paper that I really liked. Warning: Political.
Doonesbury and