ádje34 has fragile contents which may break!
From Ok I guess you could tell that I am bored considering I put up some kind of quiz thing. I keep thinking things will pass but I'm not sure things are going to. My family has gone completely insane with anything I do, my sister has become my best friend, and my parents think that I am only aloud to leave one time during the day.
Today Kelli and Zach have helped me talk out a bunch of stuff that I had been keeping in and have given great advice. (Thanks guys)
I've been really upset today, absolutely nothing has went as planned today, things have been so off today that it just blows my mind on how things turn out. I've had some great and terrible conversations today I guess I should feel greatful for the good conversation I've had.
I had a really long entry to type but I've been talking a lot on icq and forgot my train of thought....oh well I'll update later, leave me some!!