A Halloween-Themed Post

Oct 26, 2007 11:50

Because Halloween is around the corner, and because I'm feeling curmudgeonly this morning*, I offer you a link to this post which debunks the phenomenon of "orbs" showing up in photographs as evidence of ghosts, spirits, and the supernatural (and here's another page which demonstrates how these orbs can show up in photography). Don't get me wrong: I like Halloween, and I've always been fascinated with weird phenomenon like ghosts and such, but the "ghost orb" thing has always annoyed me because it's such obvious bullshit. I'm no photography expert, but even I know that these things are usually the result of dust or light refraction or something similar. Even if I didn't know that, I don't understand how someone could look at these pictures and then make the leap to the explanation that they're evidence of the supernatural. I mean, at the very least wouldn't you assume that these orbs have a natural explanation first?

Thus endeth the rant. Happy Halloween everyone!

*By which I mean that I'm feeling normal this morning.

stupidity, halloween, rant

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