I recently wanted to know to which security filters my historical entries were locked... but LJ doesn't expose this kind of view. The best you can do is visit each entry and check its permissions via its "edit" page. I looked for an existing tool to give me what I wanted, but couldn't find one... so I did what any self-respecting geek would do and wrote my own :) The generated HTML file has links for navigation (which, as
klrmn points out, take up too much vertical space) through sections for each filter you have defined. Within each filter section, all posts restricted to that filter appear in ascending chronological order with links to (in order) the monthly calendar page containing that entry, the entry itself, and the edit page for the entry. There's also 200 bytes of the entry to help you identify them if your subjects sometimes don't make sense or are missing. That's the extent of the current functionality.
If you trust me and have a Windows box, you can get a stand-alone executable version of the perl script here:
lj_by_filter.exe [2.1 MB] If you don't trust me, want to see the source code, or want to run it on a unix-y machine, check out the script itself:
lj_by_filter.pl The raw script requires the HTML::Template and LJ::Simple modules from CPAN.
In either case, the basic way to run it is:
lj_by_filter.exe -u -p
perl lj_by_filter.pl -u -p
After downloading all your journal entries, a file, lj_by_filter.html, should get created... open it in a web browser and you're good to go.
I've had at least one report of an error that looks like "Client error: Invalid text encoding: Cannot display this post. Please see
http://www.livejournal.com/support/encodings.bml for more information." I believe the fix is to visit
this page and change your old encoding from None to "Western European (Windows)" (assuming you write your journal in English). But I'm not sure that fixes the problem, as
sunyata__ didn't get a chance today to try again after tweaking that setting.