Another office quote:
The best part of being "hopped up on Jesus" is when you kill your stash, it's allright... you just wait three days and it comes back again.
Google counts for "hopped up on ..."
goofballs 15,400
herioin 14,000 [misspelled here, but must have spelled it right in the query]
caffeine 11,400
crack 3,670
speed 3,350
jesus 584
holy spirit 225
twinkies 56
And in unrelated news:
Steve, Don't Eat It! Vol. 8: Prison Wine"Then there was the 'white' wine. This one's aroma was slightly more earthy. Do you know that smell of grass right after it's cut? That's nice. I was just making chit-chat, because this smelled like rotten eggs tucked into the anus of a dead cat."