Apr 08, 2008 17:37
I guess this is it!
A matter of hours remain until Kate & I depart. People may be left behind (temporarily!) but the memories & feelings will live on indefinitely.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed positivly to my life in Brisbane; there are many of you.
A special goodbye to Lisa, Kirby, Marc, Andy, Bede, Courtney & Mandy if she reads this from Sydney :) You guys have been... amazing. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you - I can't say it enough. Fuck I'll miss you all.
Sigh, time to go.
Take care of one another, stay in touch, and the rest. I have MSN, I have email, and I have Skype (djduanemc). Make use of them whenever you see me online :)
I should be back for a week or two next year.
Love you all,