...and yesterday will always be the reason why you keep coming back for more

Nov 10, 2005 11:48

A "conversation" I've begun with an old friend put a bigger smile on my face this morning than I'm accustomed to seeing. I got three CD's to listen to, and right now I REALLY wish I had them with me because, as usual, I've already forgotten what I wanted to say.

Why do I keep a journal again? :-D

Anyway, here's what I decided to do. One disc is at my request (all my favorite songs) and it's in the player at home, where I listen to music the longest. For my drive to work I chose the other two. Mostly because I only get to hear one song on my drive and it's one way to prolong the conversation, so to speak.

On my perfect disc the challenge was for him to take this random list of bizarre choices (but they're my favorites!) and try to mix them together in a way that isn't a complete trainwreck. He started with a Willie duet and I think that was brilliant. And I'll never get tired of hearing Willie when I kick it in the player.

And we've now discovered you can segue into Cher from Willie painlessly. (You gotta forgive me if I'm remembering the order wrong...just focus on the complete and utter delight of hearing my favorites put together so well.)

Wish You Were Here by Marty Casey and NOT Pink Floyd, another trainwreck transition made perfect by following it with....oh dear, WAS it Comfortably Numb? Or maybe Aerosmith? That's as far as I got with it this morning...but I was comfortably numb at just the right point, so it's perfect so far. PERFECT.

Then it was time to leave that player for the car. I had two mystery discs: Her Side and His Side. Being a lady, I chose to listen to his side first and man, that first song just took me back and like I said earlier, grinning a little bit like an idiot. I know, because I thought of that when I noticed other drivers passing by looking at me.

Music is a gift. The anticipatory delight in each song's message, the ability to affect my emotions with words set to melodies: it is my favorite form of communication, filled with infinite possibllities and forgotten memories.

My daughter has twice made mixes for me I stilll cherish and they were very spur-of-the-moment. I can only imagine what she could do to me if she put some deeper thought into it. (hint hint: Christmas is coming and a girl can NEVER have too much personal music, right?) :-D

Anyway, I'm on a musical journey that is delighting me! Unfortunately, I'm also working, which means at the moment I am listening to Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On. I can LITERALLY feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

This is my first of many THANK YOU's for the music!
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