
May 22, 2009 20:48

Music inspires me. It is my life. Without it, I would be utterly and completely lost. Being without an Mp3 player that works right now is a difficult thing, especially because I live for listening to music at work, not caring if anyone hears or sees me rocking out. And at THIS job, no one cares if I have my music blasting all the way, because my boss is doing the very same thing one cube over. New music always continues to move and inspire me; I honestly get chills from alot of new music, and have a few songs that I can remember exactly where i was when i first heard them. It's so silly I know, but music is, and always will be, an enormous part of my life. I cannot imagine a life without music, and I know that when I have children, there will be music non stop in my house. And good music too--CCR, The Stones, Janis Joplin, REM, The Chili Peppers, The Beatles, Melissa Etheridge, Heart, AC DC, ZZ Top,Styx, Queen, and the other amazing music I live my life for.
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