holy cow--she's alive

Jan 17, 2009 11:53

This is probably the longest I have ever gone without a post. I can't believe it's been this long. I guess with everything that I have going on, I've just kind of neglected putting down my own thoughts, since I've been so concerned with reading about everyone else's. So I will give a recap of what has happened since my last post, all that time ago when I went to Ohio to see my dearest Tracy in September 2007. Things are different, things are better, life is busy.

October 2007-- My job at Penn Foster (where I grade my English/writing exams from home) was quasi-outsourced to India, of all places. I never really got an explanation why, but eventually the work came back,and I grade mostly online now, have a better boss over there, etc. Started going to the chiropractor on a regular basis. My old boss Diane (I'll get to that shortly) announced she was pregnant, at 40, with ehr first baby, after trying for nearly 8 years. My friend Mel got married.

November 2007-- The ebay Gods were smiling upon me and I was lucky enough (well, nick was) to get steelers tickets. Went to my very first steelers game in Pittsburgh. We played Cleveland, We won, I came. I look at the picture of Nick and I on my desk on the gateway clipper, a riverboat that runs in the burgh, full of fans on game day, all decked out in our steelers garb, and I can't help but smile.

December 2007-- had a beautiful Christmas as usual, and my work came back from Penn Foster. Caught the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins hockey fever. Still suffering ;-)

January 2008- Nothing too monumental. Lots of snow, lots of hockey. Went to a seminar about becoming a teacher. Still kicking this idea around. Switched to direct tv. In the end, not much better than comcast. Brothers moved in with me and got jobs down here. Will be going to marywood in the fall.

February 2008-- went to Hershey with Nick for Valentines day, as usual. He took me to Lancaster and we went on an Amish buggy ride. Things were great. Also went to see teh foo fighters in binghamton. Awesome show, just wish Lynette wasn't sick so she could have enjoyed with me.

March 2008- Diane had her beautiful little boy a month early, and thus,we got a new boss at kemper. It was the beginning of the end. I took my insurance exam and failed by 1 point, despite studying my little heart out. No questions on coverages and lots of math questions? on an insurance exam? really?

April 2008-- one of my more eventful months of 2008. Nick and I went to Washington dc to see the cherry blossoms for the first time (not our first time in dc though), paid more money than we ever have for wings, ate fabulous seafood in maryland, and went to the Croatian and Irish embassies. We came home, and a week later, I got my wisdom teeth ripped out of my head. My jaw had to be fractured in order to get the bone fragments out, and the whole process was just all around terrible. I got dry socket, work got mad at me for missing 4 days (They were scheduled off) due to my oral surgery. But, the teeth were laying on a nerve, and my sinuses, so it needed to get done. Side of face went numb for several MONTHS.

May 2008-- my birthday. Nothing too fantastic--Nick took me to a hockey game on my birthday and I sat right next to the penalty box. I celebrated my birthday for almost the entire month. Got put on an action plan from kemper for my quality being low. Still not sure why, as the asshole manager who did it (and hated me) never really gave me numbers, or answers.

June 2008- My boss Diane was supposed to return from maternity leave, and announced she wouldn't be. Began aggressive job search process. Penguins were in the race for the Calder cup (ahl hockey's version of the Stanley cup). Interviewed for a position in my field with a company in dunmore (2 miles from home). Bought tickets for the steelers/chargers game in pittsburgh in November.

July 2008- Went to Pittsburgh for my annual vacation with my bros. There was a glitch in the booking and we got a 4 star resort for 49 dollars a night. Thank you, Hotwire. Saw so many parts of pittsburgh and the surrounding area that I've never seen, despite going there a million times. Many baseball games, lots of fondue, wings and great food, laser light shows, crazy quasi-homeless man at the point at 2 am, museums, and shopping. It was the best time I've had in years. Came back from vacation to a warning from work about poor performance, despite my quality being at 99 that week. They apparently did not like that I got a 99 percent when the alternate girl did my QA,and not the Nazi Nichole. (who told me to my face she wanted me to do well, and then told this asshole manager Steve that she would assure they got rid of me). On July 30th, around 2 pm in the afternoon, i was escorted to the conference room and terminated, without any real reason, on a Wednesday, no less. My quality had improved steadily for the past 4 weeks (and was right at benchmark 97%) I was escorted out, and told I couldn't have anything in my desk, including my phone, jacket, purse, etc. I threw a fit and threatened to sue them if they didn't give to me immediately--they did. I collected unemployment for 3 glorious weeks. Bought season tickets for our local hockey team.

August 2008-- I was offered the job in my field that I interviewed for in June, and I accepted it. As of August 25th, 2008, I am a Member Publications Specialist at TMG Health. I love every second of it. 3 girls I worked with at Kemper work there now too. Nick bought us a glorious flatscreen tv (42 inch lcd) Brothers began at marywood. JJ lives on campus, Jack lives here (to our later chagrin). Yankee game for penn foster. Couldn't see the game, instead, drank myself silly, as there was no work next day. Thank GOD for all inclusive tickets. Nick's brother and girlfriend Michelle FINALLY got married. Their kid turned 4 in october. About time!

September 2008- Picked up a new course at penn foster--interpersonal communications,and got asked to design a speech course for them. Veronica (best friend from home) found out she's pregnant again--with another guy other than her baby daddy. He has no job. Wonderful.

October 2008- Grandma's 77th birthday. She still continues to be the driving force in my life. My german shepherd is enormous. Crazy drama with nick's friend. the guy's former landlord came to our house and said they were missing all these things we happen to have (flatscreen tv, laptop, etc.) It wasn't true. Police called, lady sent away and arrested for trespassing and harassment. Our former tenant got busted for possession with intent to manufacture and distribute pills in NC. Voted for change and for the first time in as long as I could remember, I was proud of my country.

November 2008- knee deep in work with my clients. Penguins doing well. Gas finally went down to 1.60 something.

December 2008- best Christmas ever, not so much for the gifts themselves, but the experience. Thyroid is wonky--getting it regulated in February.

January 2009-- here i sit. Things are grand. Going to Hershey next month. All is well. 2009 will be the best year yet. Getting my debt under control, finally making money at doing something I enjoy, and getting into great shape again.

i'm baaaaaaack

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