
Jan 26, 2009 09:49

Had a good weekend, on Saturday I got my EMF meter, it's awesome and in case anyone wondered an African ghost knife measures about 3.1 mGauss. Later in the day we went to servermonk and vinosus 's house for i_robot 's going away party, had a good time and wish we could have stayed longer but with Mary being home by herself and sugargirlx getting sick there wasn't much of a choice in staying later. It was nice to see everyone and get to hang out, hopefully the next time we won't need to leave as early. Also set up our first investigation at skwirll and twinklebatt 's house. Should go fairly well, I'm glad that it is taking place at the house of someone I know being the first time and I think it will go well, plus we will get to hang out with friends as well. Yesterday I got guitar hero world tour, actually I got it twice as the first one I got had a problem with the guitar, nothing big just that the strum bar didn't work when you pushed it down making playing the game just about impossible. The second one I got worked fine and it is a damn good game. I actually think I like it better than rock band 2, for some reason the sound seems better and the graphics are definitely better.
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