Nov 30, 2003 21:52
Well it would seem that the energy i had mustered up to post has remained with me since last night when i previously planned to post. I actually did start to begin a post, but heres a sample just to show why i didnt continue the post:
"Once again i am fortunate enough to regain enough energy to make a quite random and obscure post. The time has come for us all to grasp towards the music and dance towards the white little starry stars. Alas but i think i have spent too long around many of the volunteers whom were spread out through the area of Dunny City."
Recently i have been blessed(?) with the ability to be skeptical of everything around me and everything i believe in. Walking whilst doing my paper round i gained a small insight into everything we take for granted and, no, unlike many people do, i did not realise to appreciate all or any of these things but instead saw the absolute meaningless of everything. What does anything matter to anyone? Why should we strive for happiness, knowledge or wealth? Most people are brought up to value these very things and hence they become goals in life but really these things are meaningless in the greater scheme of things. People may vouch for these both tangible and otherwise aquisitions, but what is their roles in the ultimate goals in humanity. Humans continue to struggle along with the flow of time with our technological advancements, improved standards of living, greater wealth, increased human capital, and everyone adheres to striving to attain these things, but the actual goals of humanity in long term are very ambigious. What will all these things bring in future years except for compounded happiness, knowledge and wealth? Such things (i believe) will bring no insights into the meaning of life and our, or the individuals existence, therefore they have no point. If you examine humans existance from perhaps a more universal lens, you may interpret humans decisions and actions to be actually doing more bad then good(which would depend on your definition) hence everything us humans hold in esteem is actually something which detrimental to the universe. But then again this view is based on the valueing of diversity and life, and considering how many ways you can look at things, this way of viewing everything has a miniscual bearing on the way things should actually be viewed.
As is quite evident in the last few lines, my original intention of arguing for the meaningless of everything has been slightly confused with something else, but this actually helps highlight the pure bullshitness(nice word) of everything about everything about everything etc etc. Or maybe, because i am a fatally flawed human, i am unable to comprehend the simplicity of the meaning of everything and hence things will have actually have a meaning and its just humans who destroy anyhope of an understanding. Whatever is the case, all i can say is that there is too much fucking noise, both external and internal, physical, mental and spiritual everywhere.
fuck this all
(note- even my argument is a contradiction in itself because i am arguing against the aquisition of knowledge and understanding, yet my argument in itself displays the strive for such things)
(i might be confusing knowledge with wisdom, but both are inevitably meaningless anyway)
(do not hack me for using alternating words for things because i am trying to learn to be more articulate in my use of language and am still in a transitional stage:D)
(i have also demonstrated the role of language in developing meaning, and how it brings a certain degree of ambigiouity in the explaination of things)