Just posted my reviews of
Yoga in America (good book, I recommend it) and
Glass Dharma glass straws (very cool things... go buy some!) on Elephant Journal. Go check 'em out if so inclined.
In other news, I really want to just fast forward through this summer and get it over with. This has been the worst summer for me in a long time. Started off with a good friend of mine dying in China in an avalanche, then moved on to Kyle's "best friend" (and I use that term very very loosely) blowing off Kyle in favor of his girlfriend (whom he stole from Kyle and who breaks promises, lies to him, and cheats on him constantly... gah! stupid kids), and finally, a relationship that showed some promise died before it even got to really take root and grow. And it's only June. Sh*t. Fsck. Can I go back to work now?