I will say this now before I get into the meat of this post (and this should be one hell of a post for not making a post in I don't know how long). If any of you have any problem with what I am about to post, then kindly remove me from your friends list. And if you're removing me BECAUSE of the things I am about to post, then you were never a friend at all.
Mr. Obama, you are not MY president. No, my candidate did not win. And it's not being a sore loser or a case of sour grapes, etc. They called the election in my state like 1.12497 seconds after the polls officially closed and with 0% of the vote counted. It's great to know that my vote made a difference (denote sarcasm). Hell, this state hasn't voted for a Republican president since 1988, so it's no surprise.
I honestly can't believe that with the evidence that was brought up against Barack Obama, that he was still elected president. Well, yes I can. I feel that a good portion of those that voted for him are blind followers and sheep. Like animals being led to slaughter. Hell, let's look at some of the FINE examples of the evidence that was brought up (and the questions brought up) against Obama and Biden (and I don't care if you've all already seen or heard it before, it's my fucking blog, and I'll post what I damn well please).
- Yes, it's that Joe The Plumber guy. Pay particular attention to the 4:43 mark. SPREAD THE WEALTH!!! Aparently, Obama thinks he's Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor (in this case, the 40+ million who don't pay any taxes at all).
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Then, because of this, the campaign has the balls to investigate this man and put out the things they found on him in an attempt to ruin him. That's right, I said it. You can call it what you will, I'll call it as I see it.
- Barbara West interviewing Joe Biden. You wouldn't dare hear such questions from CNN, CBS, ABC, etc. That's because they wouldn't dare to report things like this and ask those sorts of questions and give the American people ALL sides of the argument. I love how Biden, goes from all smiles at the beginning to utter hatred. No surprise that the campaign refused to do interviews with the station after this interview.
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Oh, and the response from the Obama campaign?
"There's nothing wrong with tough questions, but reporters have the very important job of sharing the truth with the public -- not misleading the American people with false information. Senator Biden handled the interview well; however, the anchor was completely unprofessional. Senator Biden's wife is not running for elected office, and there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her."
"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election."
Senator Biden's wife is not running for elected office? Gee, is Sarah Palin's family running for elected office too? I love it. God forbid someone asks "The Messiah" or in this case his running mate tough questions. I wonder if this woman was investigated too and if she still has a job. Getting slightly off topic, I love how the Obama campaign kicked three newspapers off their plane, because those papers endorsed John McCain. Do you know who took those seats? It's certainly wasn't another newspaper. It was a fluff magazine. Anyhow, back to the current topic. Not tied to ACORN? Really? Is that where you want to go? How quickly they forget...
OK Senator. That's not enough? How about the reminder that one of Barack Obama's first big "community organizer" jobs involved ACORN in 1992. Obama also trained ACORN employees (but says he wasn't paid by ACORN?). He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. And my favorite, his campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN this year for voter registration efforts. And, ACORN even canvassed for Obama this year. Seems pretty crystal clear to me. But then, that's just the ACORN part of the story. I won't go into the rest, as the interview speaks for itself.
Hell, a guy I work with, and his wife came to the U.S. from Haiti. He supports McCain. His wife supports Obama. He asked his wife why she is voting for Obama, and she said to him (straight-faced and 100% serious), "Because he's black." No other reason. She voted for him because he's black. Believe it or not, I have absolutely no problem with having a black man, or a woman, or whoever you want to consider a minority person as president. Frankly, it's about time. It's people with ideas like this that I have a problem with (and apparently it's a LOT of people with these kind of ideas that went out and voted today and voted for Obama)...
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In case you missed it, the quote was, "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage."
So, then who is going to pay for it. Oh wait. That's right. President Robin Hood, who is going to take it from the rest of us and give to those that don't have any.
Mr. Obama, congratulations. What you did today was truly historic, and in and of itself was a great moment for our country. However, as far as I am concerned, YOU ARE NOT MY PRESIDENT!!! And if you'd all like to come after me and investigate me and try to expose me like you did to Joe The Plumber, I FUCKING DARE YOU!!!
As far as I'm concerned, my country is now being held hostage. You got MY country tonight. But be forewarned, the American people (in particular those that did not vote for you, and even some of those that DID vote for you) will be watching your every move (and those of your other cronies in Congress), and waiting for you to screw up and can't wait for every election between now and 2012. I've seen plenty of 1/20/09 bumper stickers (those that hate George Bush and are looking forward to that being his last day in office). I should create some 11/6/12 bumper stickers. That being the next presidential election day and the day that the country should get it right.
And to those of you reading this, I write this BECAUSE I CAN!!! As an American citizen, with MY freedom of speech, I am allowed to do so. And if you disagree, then that's your choice, and at least I respect that.