I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're going to have to knock off this Olympia Vernon shit right now. I'm sick of reading about it. I'm sick of people telling me about it. I don't even want to hear about it again.
Guess what. The internet is not your secret little club. Things you say on the internet aren't magic, they aren't imaginary. I hate to break it to you, but it's not like they "don't count" because they're online. The internet, yes even your precious livejournal, is a public forum. If you talk about someone in a post, it is available to the whole internet. It's just like if you stood up on a soapbox in a plaza and shouted your heart out. If you name-drop someone in a post, and you are too stupid to make that entry private or restricted, then you are an idiot and deserve whatever comes to you.
It is not "stalking" to search for one's own name and, upon seeing it appear in someone's public entry mentioning you, read that post. If you overheard someone talking about you out on the lawn, you would be in your right to listen and to comment. The same applies here.
What makes this worse, is that the idiot that didn't lock their post then organized some retarded campaign of whiners trying to make some kind of point by name-dropping all over the place and generally shitting up everyone's time. Knock. It. Off. This is retarded and you are all idiots.
If I see this crap on my friends page, or if someone mentions it to me one more time I am not speaking to them again because they are too god damn stupid to be my friend.
If you say something publicly, be prepared to be confronted with it. That's how life works, fucktard.
People having been banned for this stupid-ass reason (please don't find yourself on this list):
sakuragrrl - " Yeah... you're pretty much right. I'm locking that post I made, cause this shit's gotten out of control.
Though I still think it's ridiculous on her side, being a Pulitzer Prize nominated author and a supposed professional and everything and still actually caring about what teenagers say in their livejournals. Honestly."
loonylupinlover - "...I should talk to him about Olympia Vernon and then make him post something on it so you'll never talk to him again XD "