Boston/Cambridge the day of the Red Sox Parade

Oct 31, 2007 02:09


the citgo sign and a pointy building, going towards fenway


1. the green line C-line T in Boston  2. Bostom ambulance in Kenmore Square

3. Bus in Kenmore 4. Train tracks and citgo sign

5. people crossing in harvard square 6. The red line crosing over Sturrow Drive

7. i think this was Beacon Street in Kenmore area 8. Going towards Copley Square

9. People standing by BU in Kenmore Square 10. Graffiti off Sturrow Drive

11. The Dwight Zakim Bridge on route 93 N12. a taxi parked by Au Bon Pain in Harvard Square

13. Boston construction workers 14. Memorial Drive Cambride

15. looking over the Charles River from Boston o Cambreidge 16. Going toward Fenway

17. people crossing in Harvard square 18. A bunch of Red Sox fans

19. Charles River off Memorial Drive 20. Probably a Hrvard student, in Harvard Sq.

21. A house in one of the rich Cambridge neighborhoods 22. Memorial Drive

23. People crosing in Harvard Square 24. Driving out of Harvard Square back toward Arlington

25. People in Kenmore Square  26. A Pub in Kenmore Sq (Kenmor is where Fenway Park is)

27. guy selling Red Sox stuff on Arlington/Cambridge line 28. Foliaqe in Camridge

29. Man sitting by a statue near in Kenmore Sq  30. Towards Copley Sq

31. near Porter Square in Cambridge 32. The highway coming from Boston

photos, fall, drive, boston, red sox

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